Dear Parents,
Homework for Autumn 2nd half 2020
Skeleton Cut Out and Label Home Learning Task
KS2-Spelling-Menu Games
Please find attached the Year 3 homework and spellings for this half term. Children also have a paper copy of these attachments. They should use their orange Homework books to record any spelling practice, times tables practice or other work they complete, plus the work on the human body.
If children wish, they can learn both sets of the spellings for testing w/c 14/12/20. Please support them to do this.
The homework books are due in on Monday 14th December. This is the correct date – apologies but the sheet sent home incorrectly states 12th December!
As always, please continue reading daily with your children, signing their reading diaries and writing any comments you feel will be useful. Children should try to use TTRS at least once daily during the week, or for longer periods at the weekend. Please allow access when possible.
Should you have any questions, please contact your child’s class teacher on the emails listed below:
Thank you for your continued support,
Kind regards,
The Year 3 Team.