Parent and Carer Support

At the beginning of each academic year parents and carers are asked to complete an information sheet giving contact details including an e-mail address. We also ask you to tell us about any medical conditions which may impact on your child’s well being. Please update this during the year if there are any changes to your details.

We ask all parents to sign up to the email facility on our website:  Each Friday a newsletter is sent out which contains news and updates on forthcoming events. Other emails will be sent out during the week.

Each child has a home/school link book. The home/school link book being one of our key methods of communicating between home and school on a daily basis, it provides an opportunity for parents and teachers to make contact over any issues or concerns. Furthermore, it allows us to give guidance as to how parents and carers can assist and enhance their children’s learning, by for example reading with their children, times-tables .

Spellings and tables also go home on a weekly basis as part of our homework policy.

During the year there are three formal opportunities for parents and teachers to meet to discuss children’s progress, we welcome maximum attendance at these events; however, we recognise that it is not always possible for parents/carers to attend. In these cases we endeavour to accommodate alternative arrangements. However, parents/carers should not limit their contact with the school to these events and hence they are to feel free to contact school at any time to discuss any issues or concerns. An annual report is given to parents outlining your children’s progress at the end of each academic year as well as termly updates.

There are also opportunities for parents to attend workshops which address any areas of learning which may help support children’s learning at home. This year workshops include Maths, English and Science.

While some letters are sent home as hard copies the vast majority of information is shared by e-mail. We appreciate that some families may not have internet access and in those circumstances hard copies will always be provided.
In some instances a parent may not live in the family home. We would appreciate receiving contact details for those parents so they can participate in their child’s education.

Parent and Carers Involvement in the School and How They can Support the Children

There other ways parents/carers can become involved in the school and assist the school ether informally or formally. Should you wish to become involved the following bodies all look to the support of parents/carers:

Governors. The school has a close working relationship with its Governors who are drawn from all areas of the community. They are parents, teachers, Council Representatives, members of the Church and businessmen and women from the local area. Consequently, from time to time we may look for new governors from within the parents/carers as terms of office come to an end. This may be a suitable opportunity for you to become more involved in the school.

Parent Teacher Association (P.T.A.) The P.T.A. was formed in September 1988 to further relationships between school parents and staff, and to provide extras above those catered for in the school budget. The aim of our P.T.A. is to make parents feel comfortable in their relationship with staff and to broaden social activities within the school. We hold our A.G.M. in the Autumn Term to which ALL parents are cordially invited and are able to vote for new representatives.
We are very grateful for the support that is given to the school through our P.T.A. in their social activities for children and parents and in the way they raise funds to help resource and equip school projects. If you are interested in joining the P.T.A. they are always keen to welcome new members. For more details please contact Mrs G Stacey – Chair of the P.T.A.