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3T this week

This week in 3T we have been learning about our British Values. We have focused on 2 so far, those being Rule of Law and Democracy.

On Wednesday the children chose and agreed on our 5 key class rules and expectations. They even suggested a law that they would create if they could with some excellent suggestions such as no littering, no more cutting down trees and no more cruelty to living things.

To recognise Democracy we have chosen our student council representatives, PE leaders and our worship leader.

Over half of the class nominated themselves to be a student council rep and they prepared and presented a short speech to their peers before voting for our student councillors. After a closely ran election our chosen councillors for this year are: Jessie S and Piper. Well done both! I’m sure you will do an amazing job and help to make NJS even better!

Our PE leaders for this year will be: Charlotte and Darcey

Well done both! They will help with PE equipment in lessons, help to ensure our school PE equipment is looked after amongst other responsibilities.

Our worship leader this year will be Isla H who will meet with Reverend Merry alongside our other school worship leaders and help shape our school worship at NJS. Well done Isla!

It’s been a great week in 3T and the class have settled in extremely well! They have definitely earned a well deserved rest this weekend! Please remember we have swimming on Monday. 

Mr Tipton

3T PE This half-term

Dear Parents/Guardians of 3T,

This half term our PE days will be:

Mondays: Swimming

Wednesdays: Gymnastics.

Please can you ensure your child has appropriate kit in school on these days. If you have any questions, please email me on

I look forward to working with your children,

Kind regards,

Mr Tipton

Year 3 RSE lessons Wednesday 12th July

Dear Parents and Carers,

On Wednesday 12th July, Year 3 will be completing their Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) lessons throughout the day.
This message is to make you aware, following an earlier message from Mr Rotherham, which outlined the Year 3 curriculum for RSE.

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team.


3T Aspirations week

For the school fair, 3T have been making coasters. Throughout the process, we have explored different designs, completed market research by asking each class at NJS their design preferences and they even had to present their ideas in a Dragon’s Den styled pitch in front of the daunting dragons of Mr Tipton, Ms Crompton and Miss Lockwood.

As a class the children and I have decided on the following prices:

NJS logo coaster: £1.50

Animal or Food and Drink design coaster: £1

NJS and an Animal/Food and drink coaster: £2

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