Yr 3 Weekly Info W/C 16th September

We hope the children enjoyed the visit from Boggis, Bunce and Bean last week – watch out, Mr Fox might be about this week!!

Please find below details for this week:

Monday – Both classes PE

Tuesday – Both classes Swimming

Wednesday – Any spelling/handwriting homework in if you’d like it marked so far!

Thursday – Faith Day- all day, pm 3M – Mrs Humphries

Friday – 3B – Mrs Humphries, Jeans for Genes Day – wear jeans/denim/blue for £1.

Mr M and Mr B

Year 3 Homework Autumn 2024 1st half term

Dear Parents and Carers,

Homework for Autumn 1st half 2024 PDF

homework letter Autumn 2024 PDF

KS2-Spelling-Menu Games

Week 2 Spelling Aut 1st half

Today, Class 3B have brought home their homework books (orange A4-lined exercise book), which should contain homework instructions for this half term, their spellings for the week, and a ‘Spelling Menu’ spelling games sheet. Children will receive a new spelling sheet each week, to stick in their Homework books, to practice.

Each week, if children would like to receive marks and the possibility of house points for any weekly practice completed , they can bring in their books each week, on a Wednesday. See the instruction letter in their homework books for details.

Children also brought home a letter detailing the Homework expectations for Year 3, which should be folded inside their homelink book.

Separately to this, all year 3 girls should also have brought home a letter inviting them to consider joining the Year 3/4 Girls football team, starting in Spring Term.

CLASS 3M – you will be taking home your homework and any letters tomorrow, when Mr Moody returns to class in the morning.

Hopefully, this is clear. Please read the attached files carefully, which contain all the information you need, including submission dates and expectations.

Class 3B presentation for parents

Dear parents,

3B teacher parent meeting presentation PDF


Please find attached the presentation which I gave today in class at 3:30 and 4 pm. Also, you will find details about parent pay, school newsletters, website and curriculum content and expectations, along with information about year three school trips for this year.

If you have any questions, please email me on Andrew.butler@taw.org.uk

Kind regards,

Andrew Butler

3M Parents Meeting Info

Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend the two meetings tonight after school. Below is all the information we spoke through at both meetings.
Mr M

Class 3B had a fab 2nd day at NJS!

Dear Parents and Carers,

Year 3 enjoyed a democratic vote today, to vote for their School Council representatives and Worship Leader! Ask your child for details!

We also completed some Maths and English and read some of our class reader, ‘The Minpins’,  by Roald Dahl.

Children should have brought their Reading Records and their Home link Books home yesterday and today, and should bring these in every day.

3B will be doing PE on Mondays and Swimming on Tuesdays for this half term. Please ensure they bring the appropriate kit on on those days. Generally, they need to bring in their PE kit on a Monday and take it home on a Friday.

Also, just a reminder that you are invited to an Information meeting for Year 3 parents and carers, on Monday 9th January at 3:30pm in 3B, and repeated at 4pm. This meeting will give you general info about the year, staffing in the year group, trips and activities etc, with the chance to ask general questions about the school/ year group.

Finally, please send in your child’s information sheet with medical info, emergency telephone numbers etc, that you received at the end of July term, if you have not yet done so. These vital documents will allow us to call you about your child in the event of an emergency.

Thank you for your support,

Mr Butler


3M’s Day!!

Wow – What an amazing first day in 3M!

Not only have we learnt off by heart our daily prayer, but we have also toured school, completed our home link books, read our class book, looked at our school values and even got a Maths lesson completed! That’s all on top of break time, lunch, finding things and a Mrs M assembly!! We’ve even had a birthday 🎂 and he got to sit on the birthday chair!!

Coming home from 3M tonight is a reading diary and home link book.
Please complete your child’s reading diary when you listen to your child read – school policy is 3x per week. Children will also be completing these when they read in school. Their home link book works as a diary/message book, please look through this at home as we have completed the first three weeks. The children also have a slip of homework tonight, this is for those children who’d like to be on school council or a worship leader for 3M. The children will need this ready for Thursday afternoon. Please can both books, and a free choice reading book, come to and from school EVERY day.

Many thanks for your support,

Mr M

First Day Reminders

Good morning Year 3!

We are all looking forward to welcoming you into school tomorrow. Here are a few reminders for your first day at NJS:

– Drop off and pick up is on the main playground; please line up as we practiced waiting for Mr M or Mr Butler to collect you to walk in together – parents you are welcome to come in to class with your child for this week only, but please can we ask that you make a quick departure by 9am.
– Please bring your pencil cases with: blue biros, pencils, ruler, glue stick and some colouring pencils if you have some.
– A reading book of your choice – this is your free choice book – the children will also have a book from school set to their ability (this will be issued by 20/9/24 once we get to know your children!) Library times will start in the next few weeks, meaning the children can choose a book from here too!
– From Monday, please bring your P.E kit into school and it can remain here until the end of the week, remember we are swimming on Tuesday, starting on 10/9/24, where children will need their swimming shorts/costumes, goggles, swim hats and towels.
– Parents/Careers, if you haven’t yet signed up to the newsletters on the website, please do so by scrolling down to the bottom of the homepage on the website and clicking the “subscribe to news button” on the bottom right, following he instructions then given.

If you even need Mr Butler or myself, please find our emails below:

See you bright and early!

Team Year 3