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5M Lunch and Learn

It was a privilege to have so many parents and grandparents in class yesterday. Hopefully it was a valuable insight into some of the work we do and also how things run in 5M!

Children will be going home today with a handout showcasing some of the work we did and also the Y5/6 Spelling List that was explained.

Good morning Year 5

In this message, we are asking for your help… as you know NJS will be completing a ‘Wax Work Museum’ on Thursday 8th February. More details for this will follow soon!

For this, children are asked to come dressed as someone who is inspirational to them! We will be completing some work in our English which will build up to a biography. The biography will be available to see during the wax work museum, which will be displayed next to your child as as display/poster/oversized presentation (see below).

We are asking if you could have some conversations at home regarding who your child would possibly choose. This will help the children feel more prepared when we ask them to choose a person. We are looking forward to helping the children create a biography for the event in the 8th of February!

We hope you enjoy having a conversation about who they may possibly choose and we look forward to sharing our inspirational people with you in February!

Many thanks,

The Year 5 Team

If you need any inspiration… 

1. Have a look on google – lots of information about many inspirational people can be found.

2. The Little People, Big Dreams books are amazing! We will have a range available for the children to look at during English lessons.

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