Dear Parents and Carers,
Just a quick reminder to use ParentPay to sign up to this event for your child, if you have not already done this.
Also, we would like to remind you of the invitation to get your child to join Mr Cadle (The History Man) and Mr Butler/Mr Moody and dress up like an Egyptian for the day!
Costumes can, but do not need to be expensive or bought, and can simply be a large adult-sized white t-shirt, made into a ‘tunic’, with a roped belt, some shorts underneath, and some form of Egyptian headwear.
Alternatively, an old pillow case can be fashioned into a tunic, with some carefully placed scissor cuts for head, arms etc, and an piece of string for a belt, or an old small sheet will do.
If you wish, you can also make headgear out of card templates, available online, or simple strips of fabric to make wristbands, and any old bead / garish jewellery will do to accessorize.
Charity shops are often a good source of items for this purpose.
If you have any questions, please speak with the Year 3 staff, who will be happy to advise.
Thank you for your continued support,
The Year 3 Team