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5M Computing

We had so much fun this afternoon Computing. We created Vector drawings using shapes and then editing them. The children really enjoyed it and learnt some new skills that we can continue in this unit.

Board Games Club

We had a great first session of Board Games club today at lunch. If any Y4 children would like to come and join us, they are more than welcome to as there is some spare spaces. Please can they come and visit me and I will explain how it all works to them.

5M Work!

These first couple of weeks we have had a big focus on PSHE and settling into Y5 and the work expectations that come with UKS2. We have discussed goals, rules and rights that all children should have. The children have created their own games and then tested them out, spoke about the dreams and how to achieve them and finally, inspected the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The children are currently working on posters to promote their own Human Rights before presenting them tomorrow.


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