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Y5 Dome Day Tomorrow

Please could parents go on ParentPay to agree to tomorrow’s experience  Consent is needed for all children due to the lighting and the nature of the experience. We currently have over 20 children where permission has not yet been granted for the Solar System Planetarium. Any issues, please contact your child’s class teacher.

Y5 P.E Schedule Spring 2

For the first week back only, Swimming will be on a Tuesday. For the remainder of the half term, it will be on a Monday.

Monday – Y5 Swimming

Tuesday – Y5 P.E.

5M’s new date for their Forest Afternoon will be Friday 1st March. This has been changed due to an earlier date clash.





Good morning everyone,

I hope that you have found the resources shared this week helpful. Tomorrow, the children will all be completing some tasks within the classroom. Look out for any posts about this from the teachers!

I am going to leave this final resource in the hope that it helps! Positive affirmations are a fantastic tool to support children with a variety of emotions. They help children think positively which can support a change in mindset.

Positive Affirmations

Take care,

Mrs Ollerenshaw


Good morning everyone,

Today, I am going to share some fantastic techniques to support children when needed. The first is a breathing technique and helps children focus to support feeling calm.

Star Breathing

Another technique I would suggest is the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 grounding method. This is great for helping children stop and focus on what is around them. This is really useful if children feel overwhelmed and can support helping them to stay calm.

5 4 3 2 1 – Grounding Mindfulness technique

I hope that you find these useful!

Mrs Ollerenshaw


Good morning everyone,

Following on from my post yesterday, I thought I would share a fantastic resource produced by Place2be. This year is the 10th year of Children’s mental health week by Place2be. Below you will find some top tips for families as well as some great conversation starters.

CMHW – Top Tips for Families

Take care,

Mrs Ollerenshaw

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