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Year 6 School Reports

Year 6 School Reports are being sent home this evening…

We are very proud of all our Year 6 children have achieved and hope this is celebrated in the reports.

Within the body of your school report are contained teachers assessments of your child’s academic attainment.

On a separate sheet you will have their SAT results. More details about these SAT results can be found in this booklet for parents:

Any queries please do get in touch with myself or your class teacher.

Mrs M

Year 6 Crucial Crew

A quick reminder to parents that year 6 are attending Crucial Crew at TCAT tomorrow. They MUST wear full school uniform, including correct footwear and green NJS cardigans/ jumpers. Please do not worry if your child has a medical reason or permission from Mrs Moody as to why they can’t wear correct footwear.
All children need to be in school at the earlier time of 8:30am, in order to leave promptly at 8:45am.
Children must have a packed lunch and drink with them, unless in receipt of Free School Meals and pre-ordered from the kitchen.
Please find attached the original letter.
Kind regards,
The Year 6 TeamY6 Crucial Crew letter

Year 6 Wildings Trip tomorrow

Please remember your summer forest school clothes for tomorrow, as well as hats and sunscreen! 6J and half of 6B ( they know who they are) need to come into school at the slightly earlier time of 8:30am. Remember your packed lunch too! Normal dismissal time of 3:15pm.
Thanks everyone.

Year 6 trips

Please could we ask for you to urgently tick permission on ParentPay for your child to go on the upcoming year 6 trips on Friday 7th July and Wednesday 12th July. This is for parents who have not done so already.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
The Year 6 Team

Class 6B

Dear parents,
Class 6B have decided to sell cakes and pick n’ mix at the summer fayre on Thursday. Any cakes that you could bake and bring in for us Thursday, would be very gratefully received!
Thanks so much,
Mrs Bold

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