Year 6 Homework

Homework is due by 4pm on Wednesday 23rd October

  1. Complete 3 reads to an adults & get your reading record signed. This can be at home or at school.

  2. Complete test set on – this is a really useful way of us analysing gaps in the curriculum on an individual level.

  3. Complete 10 spellings from the national statutory spellings words. Spelling List (Pg 6 of this document)

  4. Complete SPaG activity on adjectives & adverbs Adverbs and adjectives hw

Remember that Miss Bold runs a homework club on a Wednesday 3.15 – 4pm. Children are welcome to attend in order to receive support with their homework. 

Yr 6 Homework due 16.10.24

Homework is due in by 4pm on Wednesday 16th October

  1. Complete spellings and use the words in a detailed paragraph below. Spelling List (Pg 5)
  2. Complete arithmetic test set on
  3. Complete SPaG Activity Subject Agreement was/were
  4. Complete 3 adult reads at home/in school and have your reading record signed.

Homework club is available on a Wednesday 3.15 – 4pm should any children wish to attend to have help with their homework.

Yr 6 Homework Week 5

Homework is due in by 4pm on Wednesday 9th October

  1. Complete 3 reads to an adult and get your reading diary signed.
  2. Complete SPaG worksheet on active/passive voice (we have learned about this during our Literacy lessons this week) SPaG homework
  3. Complete multiplication & division test set on
  4. Complete spelling practice, including a full paragraph below to demonstrate using the words in context.

Miss Bold has a homework club available after school on Wednesdays 3.15 – 4pm. Children are welcome to attend this club to have support with their homework and can then give it in at 4pm. 

Yr 6 Homework Week 4

Homework is due in by 4pm on Wednesday 2nd October

1. Read 3x to an adult. This can be completed at home or at school. We ask that parents fill in the reading diary when reading at home.

2. Complete spelling practice including using the words in a paragraph. Y3-4Spellings 1-110 (Pg 3 from this document)

3. Complete literacy activity linked to up levelling sentences. UKS2 Uplevelling Sentences Activity Sheets English

4. Complete Place Value assessment questions set on

Miss Bold runs a homework club on a Wednesday 3.15 – 4pm. Children are welcome to attend this to help them with the homework and are then able to submit it by the 4pm deadline. 

Yr 6 Homework

Homework is due in by Wednesday 25th September

  1. Complete spelling practice in a cursive style of writing. Use the words within a paragraph to check context.
  2. Complete SPaG activity on the sheet – the focuses on the use of expanded noun phrases. If you would like to learn more about noun phrases please see the BBC Bitesize website: BBC Bitesize – Noun Phrases
  3. Complete test which has been set – this focuses on prior year group objectives in preparation for our upcoming work on addition & subtraction. Children should all have a username and password for this website. If there are any issues, please speak to your child’s class teacher.

Yr 6 Homework Wk 1

Yr 6 homework is due in before Wednesday 18th September.

  1. Complete 10 spellings for handwriting practise. Use the words in a paragraph to show context. Y3-4Spellings 1-110 (We begin with Yr 3 / 4 statutory spellings before progressing onto Yr 5 / 6 words)
  2. Complete SPaG worksheet. This focuses on correct use of punctuation, something we have been looking at in class. Semi colon homework
  3. Complete Number & Place Value test on Each child will be coming home with their username and password for this website. We use this site regularly and it is important children look after their log in. There is a letter for parents coming home as well, please read this and speak to your child’s class teacher if you have any questions.

Yr 6 Special Pre SATs Homework!

With SATs beginning on Monday, we wanted to give Yr 6 some ideas as to how they can relax and enjoy this weekend! There will obviously be no homework this week, but here is a Pre SATs Bingo that you may want to try and complete to prepare yourselves for the week ahead! We are looking forward to welcoming you all to breakfast club on Monday morning.


Take the dog for a walk


Speak to a family member on the phone.


Find the nearest park and play for 30 minutes.


Have a pyjama day.


Do 15 minutes of exercise



Do some baking.

Write down 3 things that you are proud of about yourself.  

Listen to your favourite music.



Have a lie in!


Watch your favourite film.


Help an adult do something in the house.


Speak to a friend on the phone.


Read a chapter of your book.


Sunbathe in the garden.



Be silent and still for 5 minutes.


Make 3 people laugh.

Yr 6 Homework

Homework due by Wednesday 1st May

  1. Complete questions set on these questions have been specifically chosen to reflect areas of maths which have been identified from recent in-school assessments as being weaker.
  2. Complete SPaG revision page.

If you have any problems with the homework, please email or speak to your child’s class teacher who will be happy to help.

Yr 6 Homework

Homework due by Wednesday 24th April

Complete mixed objectives test on this has been set up to target several key objectives as a means of revision. We use this information to plan appropriate support within school.

Complete fluency sheet on using colons. Some of this will need to be written in the homework books, some can be completed on the sheet.

Thank you for your on going support in ensuring children are able to complete their homework. It is all part of our efforts to support their transition to secondary school.

Yr 6 Homework

Homework is due in by Wednesday 17th April.

  1. Complete the measurement SATs test which has been set on (Children already have their log in information in order to access this)
  2. Complete the SPaG sheet which contains questions from many areas of the SPaG curriculum. Wk 1 spag

We ask that all children, unless prior agreed by the teacher, complete this homework. The maths test gives us information on gaps in learning that we use to help best prepare the children for their upcoming SATs.