Tag Rugby in 6B

Yesterday, class 6B learnt all about how to correctly throw and catch a rugby ball in their first ‘Tag Rugby’ PE lesson.

Observational drawing in 6B art

Today class 6B learnt about Clarice Cliff and their first art lesson. We cut citrus fruits and tried to have a go at an observational drawing of the inside of the fruit. Well done everybody!

Year 6 Secondary Entrance Tests…

I hope you are all well and the children have had a positive start to Year 6.

I am aware that Secondary entrance tests are coming up and wanted to email to explain what we need as a school.

If your child will be absent to view a Secondary school or to take an entrance test please inform us by emailing njs.admin@taw.org.uk so we are aware of the circumstances. Please detail the reason e.g. which school you are visiting/taking a test for and the times your child will be absent from NJS.

I am aware that entrance tests on the 16th September are either first thing or late morning…

If your child is taking the test in session 1 we usually suggest they return to school before or at 1pm so they can join afternoon lessons at NJS. If you don’t feel this appropriate for your child please just let us know.

If your child is taking the test in session 2 we appreciate it’s tricky for food etc and so support whatever decision you make i.e. your child could come into school first and then be collected or could remain at home.

I hope this makes sense and helps you to decide how to organise the arrangements for your child to be comfortable with Secondary entrance tests.

Take care

Mrs M

6J Day 1

6J had a wonderful first day. This morning they got to grips with a place value problem solving lesson from nRich.
A brilliantly start to life in 6J!

Year 6 Welcome Messages

We can’t wait to welcome the new year 6 children back to school on Wednesday. Here are a few key reminders for the first week back.

  • All classes will be doing PE this week (6B/6M on Wednesday, 6J on Friday), so please have your PE kits in school.
  • Children should have their equipment with them on Wednesday which will be stored on their desks (pencil case, water bottles, free choice reading book if applicable etc)
  • Staff will come and collect the children at 08:45am so please be on time.

We hope you all enjoyed a brilliant summer and we can’t wait to begin the new academic year with the children. There will be more information given this week on what to expect for the first full week back.

Year 6 Leavers Party Reminder

Reminder to Year 6 children that tomorrow is you leavers party. This will take place after school and will finish at 5pm.

Food will be provided for all children.

Children need to bring a spare change of clothes that are suitable for sporting activities.

We are looking forward to the party!!