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Year 3 Visit Tomorrow

Dear Year 3 parents and carers,

Year 3 will be walking to St Nicholas’ church on Monday 14th in the afternoon. While there we will meet Revernd Merry and complete some activities. Children will need a coat for the walk and their usual named water bottle please. All three classes will be walking up together with staff and will be back for the end of the day as normal.
We are really looking forward to the children having an introduction to our school church.
Have a great weekend,

Mrs P 👩🏻

Beech’s Base – Reminder for 6K and 3P

Good Morning!

Next week we will be inviting the following classes to Beech’s Base.  Half of the designated class will visit in the morning and half will go in the afternoon.

The classes which will visit next week are as follows:

Tuesday 8th February: 6K

Wednesday 9th February: 3P

Children can arrive in their clothing for outdoor learning and clean footwear (trainers):

  • Old clothing – As the weather is turning colder please ensure children are equipped with warm clothing.
  • Gloves
  • Layers to keep warm!
  • Suitable waterproof clothing if the weather is wet/ Optional waterproof trousers or all in one for water fun.

Children will need to bring in a separate named carrier bag:

  • Wellies/Outdoor Footwear
  • Carrier bag for wet/dirty clothing
  • Clothing to change into after their session. Uniform not required on this day.

If you have any questions please email me:

Many thanks

Mrs Kuczynska

Class 3B Beech’s Base Wednesday 2nd February

Dear Parents and Carers,

Tomorrow, children in 3B need to come to school dressed for Beech’s Base, as we will be spending the day outdoors. They should wear warm clothing, waterproofs and wellies, or suitable footwear for muddy conditions

Children need to also bring:

  • a drink
  • a change of clothing and footwear for going inside, as  they will eat lunch in the dinner hall in the usual way.
  • a smile!

Hopefully, the weather will continue to be kind to us!

Kind regards,

Mr Butler


Parents and Carers

We are following advice from the Health Protection Hub:

Unfortunately we now have around 30% of your child’s class having tested positive for COVID-19 over the last 10 days.

We are doing what we can to reduce transmission within the class and more widely across the school, but on the advice of the Health Protection Hub we will require sight of negative LFD test results before the children can come into school each day. Please email your result to before your child arrives for school: we will accept your forwarding your NHS confirmation of negative lateral flow or a photograph of the test kit with result. Please understand that if we do not receive this each morning before your child attends for school then we will not be able to allow them into the classroom and will need to contact you to collect your child to carry out an LFT.

This will extend up to and including Friday 4th February.

The efforts that have been made by parents/carers in terms of being vigilant for symptoms and testing the children are greatly appreciated. This next step is an attempt to identify any asymptomatic children that may be coming into school and who haven’t already been identified through testing.

Advice on obtaining test kits is available by following these links:

As always, please ensure you are vigilant for symptoms and if your child does display symptoms, please keep them off school and book them a COVID test using this link:

As general advice, if your child is a household contact of a positive case we would also ask that they take daily LFD tests for a period of 7 days from the date of exposure to the positive case.

We thank you all for your support and send our best wishes to all of those affected.

Mrs M

Year 3: COVID Update

Just a quick note to let you know that there are positive COVID-19 cases within your child’s class.

We are taking all the measures we can in school to prevent transmission, while trying to provide a full curriculum of face-to-face learning.

In order to assist us in keeping everybody as safe as possible, while keeping the school operating, we recommend that your child test using LFD (rapid) test kits daily for 7 days before coming to school each morning.

Advice on obtaining test kits is available by following these links:

As always, please ensure you are vigilant for symptoms and if your child does display symptoms, please keep them off school and book them a COVID test using this link: Get a free PCR test to check if you have coronavirus (COVID-19) – GOV.UK (

As general advice, if your child is a household contact of a positive case (even at primary age) we would also ask that they take daily LFD tests for a period of 7 days from the date of exposure to the positive case.

Missing Trousers!

We have a pupil from 3L who has the wrong trousers following PE last Wednesday.  They are missing a pair of TU age 8 trousers with pockets on the side: please can everyone check to see if they have them.

The pupil went home in a pair of John Lewis aged 9 trousers: it may be that a swap is needed!

Please return the trousers to Mr Lawson if found.

Thank you.

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