Year 3 reminders WC 15.07.24

Monday: 3PW Mrs Jones, 3L Mrs Henderson. Whole year group visiting Newport Infant School this morning to watch a performance. NO SWIMMING due to this.

Tuesday: 3B Mr Humphries, 3PW Mrs Pearson. Rocksteady concert! SWIMMING TODAY – remember kits.

Wednesday: 3PW Mrs Pearson.

Thursday: All children straight to church this morning for Leavers Service. 3PW Mrs Wheat morning, Mr Humphries afternoon. 3PW PE – remember kits.

Friday: 3PW Mrs Wheat. Last day!

Year 3 reminders WC 08.07.24

Monday: 3PW Mrs Pearson. SWIMMING

Tuesday: 3PW Mrs Pearson, 3B Miss Crompton

Wednesday: 3PW Mrs Pearson am, Mrs Wheat pm.

3L Beech’s Base – remember suitable clothing!

OPEN NIGHT 3.30 til 6.00 – pop in and see your children’s books, chat to their current teacher and meet their new teacher.

Thursday: 3PW Mrs Wheat.

NJS FEST! Wear outdoor clothes, no school bags or money needed, bring suncream/waterproofs if appropriate. So excited for this!!!!!

Friday: 3PW Mrs Wheat.

Have a lovely weekend everyone! xxx


3PW reminders WC 01.07.24


Tues: Transition day to year 4. Remember drop off and pick up from the main school playground entrance today.

Weds: Mrs P, Paris Olympics start!

Thurs: Mrs W AM, Mr Humphries PM, PE kit today please. Election day! (VOTE ABBA DISCO PARTY!!!)

Fri: Mrs W

Well done for this week everyone, a very busy one!! Have a lovely weekend. xxx

3PW reminders WC 24.6.24

Monday: Mrs P all day. SPORTS DAY! Come to school in PE kit including a house colour t shirt if possible. Remember suncream/hats/sunglasses if appropriate on the day. Families welcome from 1.30pm.

Tuesday: Mr Humphries AM, Mrs P PM. Swimming today! (swapped to today just for this week)

Wednesday: Mrs P AM, Mrs W PM. Session with Shropshire Cricket (please ensure that PE kit is in school today for this!)

Thursday: Mrs W all day. Summer Fair 2-3pm. You are welcome to collect your children and visit the fair together. If not, children can bring some spending money and visit the fair with a friend and be collected at usual hometime. We would really appreciate some donations ahead of the fair today, see Mr R’s poster!

Friday: Mrs W all day.

Well done for a brilliant week everyone, have a lovely sunny weekend! xxx

3PW reminders WC 17th June

Monday: Mrs P all day, Sports Day (come to school in PE kit including house colour t shirt and a jumper if chilly!), swimming will still be taking place this morning so also remember swimming kits, adults welcome to come and watch Sports Day from 1.30pm.

Tuesday: Mrs P all day, Beech’s Base in the afternoon (remember to come to school in forest clothes including a waterproof!)

Wednesday: Mrs P in the morning, Mrs W in the afternoon

Thursday: Chetwynd Deer Park trip with the year 2s! Remember to come to school in forest-type clothes including comfortable shoes for the walk and a coat (or suncream and a hat if the weather changes!). Children will need a packed lunch and full water bottle, unless in receipt of free school meals.

Friday: Mrs W all day

Have a lovely weekend everyone! xxx