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3P will NOT be attending Beeches Base on Monday 13th

Dear parents,

3P will NOT be attending Beeches Base on Monday 13th December as it is Christmas dinner day. Children are invited to wear Christmas jumpers and join in the festivities tomorrow lunch and afternoon in class!

I will rearrange our Beeches Base visit in the new year and let you know the new date.

Mrs P

Year 3 Performance Tomorrow!!!

Performance Arrangements

Parents and Carers, our Year 3 performance is due to go ahead tomorrow:

Tuesday 7th December 6pm Year 3 at NJS



*Strictly one adult per NJS child.  STRICTLY NO siblings will be permitted.  Please don’t bring along any siblings as we will unfortunately have to turn you away which will be disappointing for you and your child. (All performances will be filmed and shared as we are aware that many family members would have wished to attend.)

*We ask that no one attends the performance who is displaying COVID symptoms: cough, loss of taste/smell or temperature.

*Please wear a face covering.  (If you are exempt from wearing a face covering please wear a lanyard to indicate this).

*Please sanitise your hands on arrival and sit in the allocated seats as positioned (chairs will be distanced).

*We would prefer that all audience members take an LFT test the day of the performance.

*External doors will be kept open throughout the performance to allow for good ventilation: please dress appropriately as it will feel cool.

*At the end of the performance we ask all audience members to remain in their seat: children will be dismissed to you one:one to avoid any crowding.

Thank you for your support in enabling the performances to go ahead whilst keeping our school community safe.

Mrs M

Christmas Decoration

On Monday 29th November we will be taking delivery of our Christmas tree for the school hall, we are very excited!

It is an NJS tradition that Year 3 children are asked to donate a Christmas tree decoration to place on the tree that the school will then keep and place on the tree each year.

If you would like to donate a decoration please bring it into school on or before the 29th November and hand it to your Year 3 teacher.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs M

Yr 3 Residential Information

Thank you to all the parents wo came along to the Yr 3 Residential meeting after school this evening. There was an extremely positive turn out of parents and I know a lot more parents who were keen on coming, who couldn’t attend the meeting due together commitments.

Attached below are the information slides, the medical form, the behaviour contract and the shortened kit list.

If you are wanting a place for your child please pay the first deposit to the school office following the instructions on the information slides below.

If you require any further information or have any questions please ask me and I will answer them as best I can.

Mr M

Edgmond Information Slides: parents meeting

Edgmond Medical Form: medical form

Edgmond Behaviour Contract: Residential Code of Conduct Edgmond Hall

Edgmond Kit List: kit list


Year 3 Homework and Spellings Autumn 2nd half 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Homework for Autumn 2nd half 2021

Homework for Autumn 2nd half 2021 PDF

KS2-Spelling-Menu Games

Please find attached the homework and spellings sheet for this half term. We will be testing the children on their spellings sometime on or after Wednesday 8th December. 

On the sheet, you will find details of their English, Maths and Foundation  project to complete this half term. Please try to encourage your child to complete a small amount for the project each week, and not to leave things until the last minute!

We also ask you to encourage your child to form good learning habits, by practicing Times Tables little and often, using TTRS regularly or by some other means, reading every day, and at least weekly for the spellings. This can be rewarded at home, and will definitely be rewarded in school!

Thank you for your continuing support,

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team

Yr 3 Residential Meeting – Cancelled

Due to the uncertainty around our bubble situation, I feel it easier to cancel the Yr 3 Residential meeting tomorrow (2nd.) I hoped we would know more about our bubbles before this meeting took place.

I would like to rearrange the meeting for Tuesday 16th November – 3.30pm in the school hall.

I appreciate your understanding with this and look forward to seeing you on the 16th.

Mr M

Year 3 Parents Workshops

Good Morning

I hope you have all had a wonderful half term. If your child is booked on one of the parent workshops either tomorrow or Wednesday please find details below.

On the day which your child is booked on please could they come to school in their warm outdoor clothes with wellies/outdoor shoes in a separate bag. In addition to this please could they bring in a change of clothes (just incase they get super muddy/wet!).  This doesn’t need to be uniform just spare clothes to change into for the rest of the day.

Many thanks

Mrs Kuczynska

Year 3 Parent Workshops at Beech’s Base

Good Afternoon Year 3

I hope you have had a wonderful half term. Thank you for those who have signed up for the Parent Workshops. We still have some availability if you email me: I will endeavour to book you in and respond with a time.

On the day:

Please come to Main Reception and sign in. I will collect the children from their classrooms and they will get ready prior to the session beginning. Once all the parents have arrived the children and I will meet you outside Main Reception and we will head over to Beech’s Base together.

Please come dressed for the great outdoors as we will have nowhere to store changes of shoes/clothes etc.

Looking forward to meeting you all 🙂

Many thanks

Mrs Kuczynska

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