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Painting a Scene from a Myth in Art!

Year 4 have had an extremely busy day… all of the children at school spent some of the morning looking at Roman Art as part of our art topic. We looked at how Roman myths have been painted in the past to show a particular ‘scene’. We looked in particular at the story of ‘Echo and Narcissus’ and painted a scene from this Roman Myth.

The children sketched first using a variety of techniques before finishing the piece of art using the watercolours.

An amazing morning!


Today is World Mental Health Day! The theme of the day is ‘Mental Health is a Universal Human Right’.

We spent some of this afternoon talking about mental health and what it means. We also decided ways we could look after our mental health in the future! From this, we have created some mental health themed bunting that will be stuck in the classroom. Some of them have ideas to help when we may feel we need it and others are positive comments (like an affirmation). Year 4 have had a brilliant day!

Year 4 Roman Day Reminder

On Monday 16th October, we are inviting Year 4 to take part in Roman Day in school.

This forms part of their curriculum offer and we are very excited and pleased to announce that this will be run by David Cadle, also known as ‘The History Man’. Mr Cadle has run several events and ‘days’ in the past for NJS; he is always extremely enthusiastic, well-received and really brings the subject to life for the children. Please see the following website for further details.

As the teachers and Mr Cadle will be dressed up in Roman costumes, we are inviting the children to come dressed in Roman costumes as well! This can simply be a white bedsheet, made into a toga, or something bought, if you wish to do so. The cost for the day will be £5.50 per pupil. Please ensure that you access your ParentPay account to provide consent and payment for the experience.

The whole of the year 4 team are thoroughly looking forward to this wonderful day of new experiences. Thank you for your support, the Year 4 Team.

Roman Day Letter History man

4M v 4N v 4OP

Good Morning 🙂

Details of a new TTRS challenge which begins TODAY at 4pm! It will last for one week and will be between 4M, 4N and 4OP.

In order to promote healthy screen time limits, I have set a time restriction where only the first 30 minutes played per day will count towards the competition. Of course, children can practice for as long as you allow, but only the first 30 minutes played will go towards their class score each day.

Many thanks,

Year 4 team x

Year 4: 9-13th October

A few reminders of things happening this week for Yr 4 Children:

Monday – 4N PE kit (including trainers. T shirt should match house colour, or a plain white t-shirt.)

Tuesday – 4OP PE kit.
– Mental Health Awareness Day: Wear a yellow item!
– Children signed up to the cross country events; kit, packed lunch, waterproofs etc.

Wednesday – HOMEWORK DUE IN. Please bring in your homework book by Wednesday morning.
– LIBRARY. Children will have the opportunity to borrow or exchange a school library books.

Thursday – 4M PE Kit

Friday – PE. All children to have their PE kit in school.

National Poetry Day – Refuge

Some of the wonderful work done by 4N on National Poetry Day. We wrote down our thoughts and feelings after reading the poem from top to bottom and then we re-read the poem from the bottom to the top and wrote down our new thoughts and feelings – which were quite the opposite!

A huge thank you and well done to to courageous children who shared their own poetry today: Skye, Ruben, Elliott, Ayla, Ella and Eliza.


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