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Mental health awareness week

This week is the mental health foundation’s mental health awareness week. The theme this year is nature. This activity pack contains lots of activities and suggestions for children and tips for supporting their mental wellbeing by connecting with nature.

There is also lots of information and tips on the website on how you can support your mental wellbeing by connecting with nature:

I would love to see or hear about anything you do this week to connect with nature! Please share them with me via email –

Miss Hardy x

Nature Guide for Pupils

Science Experiment!

4J had a great time testing different rocks in science today. They were testing to see how strong they were; the ability to absorb water and what happens when faced with an acid. The children worked in small groups and used a paper clip, water and vinegar to carry out this experiment!

Year 4 Deer Park Trip

Morning Everyone!

…. 20,000 steps later and we all had a wonderful time at Chetwynd Deer Park! It was great weather and the children had a wonderful time exploring! The activities they took part in were bug hunting, pond dipping and even some bug tasting… If they dared!

Here are some photos which captured our day (4K)

Year 4 Deer Park Trip

Good Morning Year 4

Hope you are all well. Just a couple of reminders for the Deer Park Trip on Monday:

  • Please come in outdoor clothing to be worn all day (Please could the weather forecast be checked prior to Monday so that it is appropriate for the weather e.g. light waterproof jacket or thick coat/ Sun cream and Hat if necessary)
  • All children need to bring a packed lunch.. Any children who receive Free School Meals have already placed an order for a packed lunch to be arranged for Monday.

Hope you enjoy your weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday 🙂

Many thanks

Year 4 Team


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