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Year 5 School Council

Your children have been asked to prepare a speech if they would like to be considered for school council. The position of school council will be for 2 children from each class, who will be voted in by their class mates. The class teachers will ensure the children are aware of democracy and this will meet one of the modern British values we work towards.

School council will meet with Mrs Pearson once a week to discuss issues and make plans for the school.

If your child would like to be considered then they will need to have their speeches ready for Friday morning.

The successful school council representatives will be presented in assembly on Friday afternoon.

Year 5 Sports Day

What a great event Sports Day was this afternoon! Thank you very much to all the children, staff and adults that supported and facilitated the event. It was a lovely afternoon and one that was thoroughly enjoyed.

Tomorrow (Friday) is Mufti Day for the children. Year 5 will also be doing PE in the afternoon as usual so could the children please have their PE kits with them.

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