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6J Beech’s Base Reminder

6J will be in Beech’s Base on Wednesday 10th January 2024.

Children are welcome to come to school in their forest clothes and bring a spare change with them if they wish. Alternatively, they can also attend in uniform and change into their forest clothes at lunch time.

This week they will be making their own trebuchets using natural materials as part of their work on The Tudors.

Please be advised, the field/forest has been affected by the recent weather, so children are told they must bring wellies with them as trainers would not be suitable.

6K and 6J Beech’s Base Visits this Week

Due to the weather and amount of water in Beech’s Base – all children from 6K and 6J need to wear wellies. This weeks activities will take place partially in Beech’s Base and partially on the school field due to the ever changing weather conditions.

Mr M

Yr 6 Key Daily Info – Spring Term

Please find some reminders for Spring Term.

Monday – Please bring PE kit
Tuesday – Swimming Day
Wednesday – 6J PE / Homework Due in
Thursday – 6B / 6K PE
Friday – Library Day / Homework given out

We ask that PE kit consists of shorts/tracksuit bottoms, a coloured t shirt and a jumper/fleece. Our PE units will be a mixture of football, netball, gymnastics and swimming so children are required to bring outdoor kit including trainers.

Yr 6 Visit to BBS Panto

On Tuesday 19th December, Yr 6 will be visiting the Burton Borough School to watch their pantomime of Jack & the Beanstalk.

We will be walking from NJS at 1pm and will be returning before the end of the school day.

We are very much looking forward to seeing some of our old pupils in the performance.

6K Beech’s Base

6K are at the panto Wednesday morning and then down Beech’s Base in the afternoon. Children are to wear school uniform in the morning. They may bring a small snack with them for the panto. They need to bring their outdoor change of clothes and appropriate footwear in bag.

6B PE tomorrow

Dear parents,

Can you ensure that all children in class 6B have their outdoor PE kits in school for a tag rugby lesson tomorrow (Wednesday) please?

This needs to be correct PE uniform: black or navy blue shorts/ joggers, white or house team coloured t-shirt and trainers.

Many thanks,

Mrs Bold

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