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Yr 6 Burton Borough Visit to NJS

This afternoon, members of staff from Burton Borough School have visited Yr 6 to do some work around secondary school transition. The children got to talk about their worries & concerns as well as things that they are excited and looking forward to.

Thank you to the BBS staff for helping to make our children feel comfortable with the idea of transition.

Each child will be coming home with a sheet that the BBS have asked them to complete. This sheets applies to all children, even those not attending BBS next year as it is designed to work on transition generally, not to any specific school. Please bring this back in and hand it to your class teacher,

6J Tag Rugby

6J have been impressing Mr J with thier tag rugby today! We built in a number of key skills: handling, passing, team work, communication and transitioning between attack and defence. A very enjoyable lesson for both teacher and children!

WW1 talk

Year 6 were very lucky to have a special guest come into school and give us a talk today. Mrs Davis told us about the impact that WWI had on the development of Prosthetic limbs, the NHS, and changes to the way in which people with disability were treated- such as the introduction of the Stoke Mandeville Games- a precursor to the Paralympics.  This was fascinating for us, as we’d spent a lot of time researching WW1 and the injuries that soldiers had sustained, for our narrative stories in English last week.

Thank you so much Mrs Davis. We really enjoyed it.


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