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COVID: 6K and 6B

Parents and Carers

We are following advice from the Health Protection Hub:

Unfortunately we now have around 30% of your child’s class having tested positive for COVID-19 over the last 10 days.

We are doing what we can to reduce transmission within the class and more widely across the school, but on the advice of the Health Protection Hub we will require sight of negative LFD test results before the children can come into school each day. Please email your result to before your child arrives for school: we will accept your forwarding your NHS confirmation of negative lateral flow or a photograph of the test kit with result. Please understand that if we do not receive this each morning before your child attends for school then we will not be able to allow them into the classroom and will need to contact you to collect your child to carry out an LFT.

This will extend up to and including Friday 4th February.

The efforts that have been made by parents/carers in terms of being vigilant for symptoms and testing the children are greatly appreciated. This next step is an attempt to identify any asymptomatic children that may be coming into school and who haven’t already been identified through testing.

Advice on obtaining test kits is available by following these links:

As always, please ensure you are vigilant for symptoms and if your child does display symptoms, please keep them off school and book them a COVID test using this link:

As general advice, if your child is a household contact of a positive case we would also ask that they take daily LFD tests for a period of 7 days from the date of exposure to the positive case.

We thank you all for your support and send our best wishes to all of those affected.

Mrs M

Year 6: COVID Update

Just a quick note to let you know that there are positive COVID-19 cases within your child’s class.

We are taking all the measures we can in school to prevent transmission, while trying to provide a full curriculum of face-to-face learning.

In order to assist us in keeping everybody as safe as possible, while keeping the school operating, we recommend that your child test using LFD (rapid) test kits daily for 7 days before coming to school each morning.

Advice on obtaining test kits is available by following these links:

As always, please ensure you are vigilant for symptoms and if your child does display symptoms, please keep them off school and book them a COVID test using this link: Get a free PCR test to check if you have coronavirus (COVID-19) – GOV.UK (

As general advice, if your child is a household contact of a positive case (even at primary age) we would also ask that they take daily LFD tests for a period of 7 days from the date of exposure to the positive case.

Talking to Young People….

Year 6 Parents and Carers,

We are aware of children using social media and sometimes they are being faced with challenges and needing to make decisions to keep themselves safe.  It is important we talk to our children about how to manage this.

I have held an assembly this week with the children about their use of language online (and in person) and emphasised some key points to them.  We have ongoing PSHE and Online Safety curriculums which educate the children about their relationships and safety.

The attached resource may be useful to you; a key part of the advice is to talk to your children before things happen rather than in response to events:

cco_talking_to_your_child_about_online_sexual_harassment_a-guide_for_parents_dec_2021 cco_talking_to_your_child_about_online_sexual_harassment_poster_for_parents_2021

Best wishes

Mrs M

Message for 6K

Good Afternoon

6K will still be coming to Beech’s Base tomorrow. Please attend church in school uniform and bring your Beech’s Base clothing and footwear with you. You will need change of clothes (either uniform or comfy clothes) to change into afterwards

Many thanks

Mrs Kuczynska

Year 6 Twitter Feed

Good Morning Year 6 Parents,

Just a reminder that NJS now has their own Twitter page!

Use the link below to access our feed.

We have posted lots of pictures from the Year 6 ‘Alternative Arthog Week’ on there recently.

Be sure to follow our page as there will be lots of pictures, messages and information shared on there!

Best wishes,

Year 6 Team

Well done Year 6!

Year 6 children:

Year 6 your teachers have been very proud of you this week: the team work you have demonstrated has been exceptional and your positive attitude and behaviour has been recognised.  I think the experiences you have had this week have given you great training for Arthog!

I’d like to thank ‘Team Arthog’ for the walk to Lilleshall: Mr Moody, Mr Jones, Mr Lawson, Mr Yates, Miss Smith and Mr Leonard.  The Year 6 team for the visit to Greggs, the Wildings, Beech’s Base etc. Mrs Kerr, Miss Bold, Mr Jones, Mrs Humphries, Mrs Henderson and Mrs Breen.

Thank you also to Mrs Askin and Mrs Sullivan for offering us use of the Wildings and activities to complete whilst there: everyone enjoyed their day.

Well done Year 6!

Year 6 non-Arthog Day 5

We’ve come to the last day of our fun-filled week. The children opted to not have another day of getting cold and wet again! So similar clothes as Thursday please. The children do not have to wear school uniform but we ask that they are dressed in old, warm clothes that they don’t mind getting paint or mud on.

See you all tomorrow for our last Non-Arthog day!

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