Talking to Young People….

Year 6 Parents and Carers,

We are aware of children using social media and sometimes they are being faced with challenges and needing to make decisions to keep themselves safe.  It is important we talk to our children about how to manage this.

I have held an assembly this week with the children about their use of language online (and in person) and emphasised some key points to them.  We have ongoing PSHE and Online Safety curriculums which educate the children about their relationships and safety.

The attached resource may be useful to you; a key part of the advice is to talk to your children before things happen rather than in response to events:

cco_talking_to_your_child_about_online_sexual_harassment_a-guide_for_parents_dec_2021 cco_talking_to_your_child_about_online_sexual_harassment_poster_for_parents_2021

Best wishes

Mrs M