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Year 3 Home Learning pack for 11.2.21

Dear Parents,

Year 3 Home School Provision Daily Pack 11.02.21 PDF

Year 3 Home School Provision Daily Pack 11.02.21

Nearly there! Not quite half term yet, but as I won’t be in class again this week, on behalf of myself and the Year 3 Team, I just wanted to say this to the children:

Children, we are continually impressed with the huge effort you are all putting in. It is very rewarding for us to see all your hard work in the online lessons, plus emails of your completed work.

Remember that even when it isn’t easy, in the end, it WILL be worth it. Keep asking your parents to send in photos of work done – it really helps us to know we are helping you to achieve.

We really miss you all, and, of course, teaching you in person – we can’t wait for you to all be back in class!

So from us all in Year 3, a massive WELL DONE, and stay safe and well over half term!

Kind regards,

Mr Butler & the whole Year 3 Team.

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