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Self-care bingo

This has been a term of mixed emotions and hard work, especially for the children, and everybody deserves a well-earned rest! Here is a self-care bingo which is a great idea to encourage children to look after themselves and do things to make themselves feel good, even if they are staying at home!

Happy Easter everyone, well done for so much hard work and positivity this term!

Miss Hardy xxx

Self Care Bingo

Rocksteady Music Lessons

Rocksteady music lessons have resumed with a bang since school has reopened and it is great to see and hear how much the children are enjoying them. Rocksteady lessons are a fantastic opportunity for children to have fun learning an instrument (keyboard, guitar, drums, singing) with their peers in a modern style. This week, children will be watching a short video from our NJS band leader Becky with some information on what is involved in the lessons. Here is a letter with details of how to contact Rocksteady to enrol your child.

Rocksteady New Standard Sign Up Letter FINAL 12.10.20 (1)


E-mail reminders…

Good afternoon everyone,

As the children have returned to school, we will not be checking the year 4 e-mail address as often. Should you need to speak to a teacher, please speak to your child’s class teacher directly. You will find our e-mail addresses below:

4J –

4NJ –

4S – or

We hope that you all have a lovely weekend!

The year 4 Team 🙂

Year 4 Reminders!

We cannot tell you how proud we are of each and everyone of you! Please find a few reminders for Monday…

  1. Please bring a Water Bottle (labelled) into school.
  2. Bring your P.E kit into school on Monday. We will ask you to leave it at school until the Friday. With the weather being unpredictable, we would suggest bringing in a suitable jacket.
  3. Please don’t bring in a pencil case or equipment from home.
  4. Your arrival slot is 8:55am to 9:05am.

We cannot wait to see you on Monday! Enjoy your last day of home learning!

Miss J, Mrs K, Mrs J and Mrs S x

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