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Y5 Reminders

Tuesday – Cross Country for some children. Mr Lawson has spoken to all children going to the event and given them an information sheet for the day for what they need to bring. 5M children to go to Cross Country event with Mrs Jukes. 5J children to come to 5M.

All children not going to Cross Country to bring P.E. kit for Gym with Miss Robson (BBS) on Tuesday afternoon. Children to wear a piece of yellow clothing for Mental Health Day. #helloyellow

Thursday – Library time. Children will have the opportunity to change their library book led by our Junior Librarians.

Friday – 5M Forest Afternoon. Please could all of 5M come in their Forest clothes and bring a plastic bag with them. They will be doing some Science down in the Forest looking at Air Resistance.

Military Kids Club

Good Afternoon,

Military Kids Club will be taking place in 4N (in the Victorian Block) from 3:15pm tomorrow (6th October). It is open to all children whose parents/carers are currently serving in the Armed Forces or who are Service Veterans.

The aim of the club is to provide wellbeing support and nurture, along with completing fun activities as a group of children who have something in common. Some of the activities we have done previously include, learning the phonetic alphabet, visiting Beech’s Base, Remembrance Day/Armed Forces Day activities and playing games!

I hope to see you tomorrow 🙂

Mrs Naylor

5M Geography

We are loving our Eastern Europe topic currently in Geography and the children are working flat out. Today, we studied the causes of the Chernobyl Disaster and looked at the after effects. I was really impressed by both the geographical vocabulary that the children used and their maturity when discussing the delicate subject matter.

5M European Day of Languages

This afternoon, we were lucky enough to have a presentation all about Finland for European Day of Languages presented to us by Theo. He had clearly spent a lot of time and effort putting it together and it was a privilege to present it to the other children for him. We learnt about Finnish food, Finnish schooling and the Northern Lights. We are going to focus a little bit more on the Northern Lights on Friday and produce some artwork to go with it!

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