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Military Kids Club

Good Afternoon,

Military Kids Club will be taking place in 4N (in the Victorian Block) from 3:15pm tomorrow (6th October). It is open to all children whose parents/carers are currently serving in the Armed Forces or who are Service Veterans.

The aim of the club is to provide wellbeing support and nurture, along with completing fun activities as a group of children who have something in common. Some of the activities we have done previously include, learning the phonetic alphabet, visiting Beech’s Base, Remembrance Day/Armed Forces Day activities and playing games!

I hope to see you tomorrow 🙂

Mrs Naylor

6J Tag Rugby Lesson

6J completed their first taste of Tag Rugby in PE last week. We began the unit by looking at some of the key skills: agility, passing, catching and moving into space. There is a Yr 5/6 Tag Rugby tournament coming up so it was great to see lots of children giving the sport a go!

6J Beliefs & Values – Exploring Worldviews

6J have been exploring worldviews in Beliefs & Values today. We have spent time looking at the belief of Humanism.

Here are some quotes from the children of 6J after today’s lesson:

“I’ve enjoyed learning about a new topic, I didn’t even know Humanists existed before today…” Kacey Mae

“It’s a lot more fun when we get to learn using stories we haven’t heard before…” Kayla 

“It has been interesting because I can link it to my own thoughts, it’s nice to learn about things other than the main religions we normally do…” Brianna

“I’ve liked it because if you are a Humanist, or agnostic, then you will feel like your beliefs have been included in our school…” Daisy

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