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This Weeks Weather!

Please can we advise ALL children, this week, to come into school with sun hats/caps, a water bottle, applied sun cream and a small bottle of sun cream to apply later – please note they have to do this themselves. On their Sports Days please send your child with an extra bottle and remember your child can attend Sports Day wearing their Sports Day kit!
Year 4 – Tuesday; Year 5 – Wednesday; Year 6 – Thursday (am)

Yr 6 Sports Day Reminder

A reminder for children that our Sports Day will be taking place on Thursday morning. Please come to school dressed in PE kit to ensure we can start on time.

PE kit should be a t-shirt in the colour of your house team. Football kits are not classed as appropriate PE kit.

Children are really looking forward to competing in front of their families for the final time at NJS.


We are very frustrated… the field is still very waterlogged (keeping our ducks happy but not us) and just not appropriate for a Sports Day event. We understand cancelling causes disruption but have no choice.
NEW DATE: Thursday 27th June 9.30am.
Thank you in advance of your support.

Year 6 BBS students

On Monday 24th June, year 6 students are invited to BBS to participate in some sporting activities, after school. Children are welcome to come to school dressed in their NJS PE kit.

We hope that this makes things a little easier on the day.


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