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Arthog – NEXT WEEK!!!

Hi All

Please find attached information for next week

– Kit List – Kit_List

– Packed Lunch is needed for Monday.

– Children need bedding – pillow case, bottom sheet & a duvet cover.


Arrival at NJS normal time – 8.45am, straight to the hall.

Departure from NJS at 9.10/15am at the latest.

Arrival back at NJS on Fri 11th will be via an email/text – this will be towards 4pm.

If you have any medical changes to the previously completed form – please speak to a member of staff on Monday morning or email myself and I will send you a copy.

Arthog have requested that the children complete a LTF test before they leave to ensure safety for all – please could you complete these before you leave home on Monday.

If you asked about your own child bringing their own dietary required food stuffs – this still stands; we would rather have too much than not enough!

Please email me if you require any further details.

Kindest regards

Mr M

Year 6 Half Term Homework

Year 6 children will have been sent home with a CGP booklet, or an A4 printed booklet to complete over the half term.

The aim of this is to ensure retention of the key skills we have learned so far this term. We advise that children spend about 90 mins a week (1.5 hours) on their homework as this will prepare them well for the increase in homework during their transition to secondary school.

The CGP booklets offer 10 minute tests, which are great to recap and revise for the children. Work can be completed directly into the booklet. Please be aware that we are yet to cover certain aspects of the Year 6 curriculum and therefore there may be questions that your child is unsure of.

Enjoy the break!

Year 6

Year 6 White T-Shirt Reminder

Morning Y6,

Just a reminder that ALL children in Year 6 will need to bring a plain white t-shirt into school with them next week for their tie dye art project.

We recommend a plain white round neck t-shirt which will need to be labelled with the child’s name or initials.

6B will be doing this on Monday so will need to ensure they have their white t-shirt with them on their first day back!

Enjoy the half term break.

6J Beech’s Base

Reminder for 6J that we are in Beech’s Base tomorrow and children need to come to school in their forest clothes, with a spare change of clothes in their bag.

We are expecting the poor weather to continue so make sure you have your wellies!!

Mr J

Year 6 Learning Update

Year 6 have been working incredibly hard recently – the attached document gives you an insight into some of the work that has been taking place in a select few areas of the curriculum!

We would love for you to talk about the learning with your children! We are very proud of their hard-work and want to share with you what they are currently working on!

Y6 Feb Update

Beech’s Base – Reminder for 6K and 3P

Good Morning!

Next week we will be inviting the following classes to Beech’s Base.  Half of the designated class will visit in the morning and half will go in the afternoon.

The classes which will visit next week are as follows:

Tuesday 8th February: 6K

Wednesday 9th February: 3P

Children can arrive in their clothing for outdoor learning and clean footwear (trainers):

  • Old clothing – As the weather is turning colder please ensure children are equipped with warm clothing.
  • Gloves
  • Layers to keep warm!
  • Suitable waterproof clothing if the weather is wet/ Optional waterproof trousers or all in one for water fun.

Children will need to bring in a separate named carrier bag:

  • Wellies/Outdoor Footwear
  • Carrier bag for wet/dirty clothing
  • Clothing to change into after their session. Uniform not required on this day.

If you have any questions please email me:

Many thanks

Mrs Kuczynska

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