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Year 6 reminders

We have a busy term coming up, swimming galas, sports day, Chetwynd photography workshop and transition events.

Week beginning 3rd June reminders:

PE kits to be in all week please.

6K have swimming and Beech’s base scheduled for Tuesday so remember your kits!

All Year 6 – Cameras and sensible walking shoes for your photography trip to the deer park.

Red and Blue house swimming gala.


6B Beech’s Base

Class 6B had a wonderful afternoon with Miss Lockwood yesterday. We have been doing ‘Theme Park’ maths in class this week and the children had a go at designing and building their own rollercoaster. Well done 6B and thank you Miss Lockwood!



Parents and Carers of Year 6

Earlier this afternoon we were alerted to the Amber Weather Warning in place for Staffordshire tomorrow with heavy rain and winds from midnight tonight until Thursday morning.  There is currently heavy rain forecast throughout this period.

We have liaised over the afternoon with the Telford and Wrekin Educational Visits Lead and Alton Towers this afternoon for advice.  We have made the difficult decision to postpone the visit to Alton Towers which will now take place on Monday 17th June.

We know in the short term the children will be disappointed: we are too. We have been working on this over the last couple of hours and have not yet informed the children.  Please reassure them they will be going and we are working to do all we can to ensure they have the best day.  In school tomorrow in uniform please.

There are several reasons for the decision but key are that heavy rain will make for a miserable, uncomfortable day and rides will be likely to close and this will bring disappointment and not the value for money we want from the visit. Alton Towers and the coach company are agreeable and supportive to amending the date which means we can give certainty of the 17th June for the children to look forward to.

Please know we are decision making with every commitment to doing the very best for the children with the information and advice we have this afternoon.

We really do appreciate your support and understanding.

Mrs M

Alton Towers

Year 6 are VERY excited about our visit to Alton Towers tomorrow! Here are some reminders:

  • Arrive at school for 8:30am for an 8:45am departure.
  • Bring a packed lunch, unless in receipt of free school meals and pre-ordered from kitchen.
  • Wear suitable clothing for the weather, e.g., raincoat/ cap/
  • Wear closed-in shoes
  • If warm, pack sun cream
  • Pack a refillable water bottle
  • Children are allowed to bring £5 to spend in the gift shop.
  • We will be back at school for approximately 6:30pm. Please keep checking Facebook for a more accurate time.

Any questions, please feel free to email a member of the year 6 team.

Thank you

Yr 6 Photography Workshop Reminder

A reminder that on Friday 24th May, Yr 6 will be visiting Chetwynd Deer Park for our Photography Workshop.

6K and half of 6J will be leaving straight after registration and returning to school for 12.30pm to eat lunch. 6B and the remaining half of 6J will leave school at 12.30pm after having lunch at 12pm at school.

Children are asked to bring a camera with them, however if this is not possible, there is the possibility to lend children an iPad from school, however these numbers are limited. If you are not able to provide a camera for your child, please contact your child’s class teacher who will make arrangements for an iPad.

All children will then need to enter their favourite photograph for competition. Please can these be sent via email to: stating the child’s name.

The letter containing more information is attached for your reading.

Y6 Chetwynd Park Letter

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