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Rocksteady Music Lessons

Rocksteady music lessons have resumed with a bang since school has reopened and it is great to see and hear how much the children are enjoying them. Rocksteady lessons are a fantastic opportunity for children to have fun learning an instrument (keyboard, guitar, drums, singing) with their peers in a modern style. This week, children will be watching a short video from our NJS band leader Becky with some information on what is involved in the lessons. Here is a letter with details of how to contact Rocksteady to enrol your child.

Rocksteady New Standard Sign Up Letter FINAL 12.10.20 (1)


3P World Book Day Costumes

Hello everyone!

WOW! What a fantastic day!!!

So many fantastic costumes were on display today! Lots of fun showing off: who we were dressed as, the books our characters were from and even carrying it on onto the playground here in school! I’ve never seen so many spells cast, broomsticks ridden or so many witches, wizards with even the odd muggle or two running around!

In case you missed out, we even played Quidditch!

Our class lesson today, (see link below) sharing our costumes and online reading is on the link below:

Thank you so much everyone who made today so much fun!

We all cannot wait for you to be back here at NJS.

See you Monday!

Mr Parker

Class 3B World Book Day Parade

Dear parents,

Thank you to all children who dressed up as their favourite book character (and parents who helped them!). You all looked fabulous! Congratulations (for dressing up online at home) to Isla, Ivy, Ewan, Annabelle and Emily.

Here is a selection of photos, including their supply teacher for the day… (apologies for the resolution!)


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