5P Class Book

Parents- as part of 5P’s class book ‘I am Rebel’ please keep an eye out for “The Red’s Scarf” which your child may be bringing home to share with you and your 4 legged friend! If you could kindly take a photo of your dog wearing it and email it to me at nicholas.parker4@taw.org.uk I will then use it to update our class Reading Area Display as seen with the pictures and models so far.

Best wishes,

Mr Parker

(Thank you to Teddy, Mollie and Hugo- you look “paw-some”!)

5P Parent Teacher Meetings

Good evening,

Thank you very much to the parents who joined and met with me this evening. For those of you who didn’t here are the slides from this meeting:

5P teacher parent meeting presentation

My email address is:


Please remember the ‘4’ in my email.


Mr Parker

Year 5 NOT at Arthog update!

Can all Year 5 Children who have not gone to Arthog, please ensure they bring their PE kits into school tomorrow- Wednesday 10th January.

Also, could they bring in their wellies, walking boots and waterproof coats on Friday 12th January for a fun orienteering activity!

Many thanks,

Year 5 team.

5P’s Book Quiz!

Good evening parents!

As a trial, the children in 5P are going to complete a quiz on Blooket- purely for a little bit of fun!

Please follow the links in the PDF and also the PowerPoint to help you. There is a hyperlink and also a QR code to access this Quiz. Please use your child’s first name as their Username. It is all free and no need for any passwords or new accounts to be set up!

Have a lovely weekend.

chapter 1 quiz hw

chapter 1 quiz hw pdf



5P went to Beech’s Base this week and enjoyed making star constellations in the construction area as part of our topic- Earth and Space with Mrs Yates and Miss Lockwood.


This afternoon, 5P went to Beech’s Base to make Star Constellations as part of our Year 5 Topic- Space with Mrs Yates and Miss Lockwood.

5P’s Walk into Newport

Hello parents!
Yesterday, as part of our History topic, 5P walked into Newport to look at the historic buildings that we have here in the town.
Best wishes,
Mr P + Mrs Yates

4P cooking Chapatis!

4P made Chapatis today as part of our Beliefs and Values unit.

We had lots of fun making them and enjoyed eating them even more!

Follow the link to see!

NJS Dance Flash Mob Whole school

Well done NJS!!! Your flash mob was amazing!

Thank you to Miss Smith for co-ordinating and helping put this together

Please find today’s flash mob on YouTube by following the link provided at:  https://youtu.be/4L_HPeAqckY 

We hope you enjoy it as much as we did doing it!

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