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Year 5: children in school next week…

For the children not attending Arthog next week please go to the Victorian block as usual where you will be taught by Mrs Jones for the week.

On Wednesday she has kindly organised a treat for you! Mrs Jones (and other staff!) would like to take you to Greggs bakery to allow you to purchase a treat followed by a play at a local park.

All children have permission for local visits.  If you do not wish your child to attend please inform the office by Friday 3rd March.

On Wednesday please send your child into school in their uniform but with a pair of trainers they can wear to play at the park.  They can also bring up to £3 to purchase a drink and edible treat!

5W Beech’s Base

Good Morning,

Children in 5W will be attending Beech’s Base tomorrow (Wednesday 1st March).

Please could children arrive at school in suitable clothing for outdoor learning and clean footwear:

    • Old Clothing – long sleeves and trousers please.
    • Gloves – if possible.
    • Waterproof clothing (if you have it!)
    • Wellies/Outdoor footwear – these will be changed into when we are outside the classroom.

Please can children also bring spare clothes (including spare socks!) to change into just incase they end up very wet and/or muddy! 

If you have any questions, please email me:

Many Thanks,

Miss Naylor



Coronation Bench Design Competition

Year 5

Please find details about a competition for designing a commemorative bench for King Charles’ Coronation.

We would like Yr 5 to have a go at this over half term.

We need to have entries in by Friday 3rd March.

Here are some design sheets to have a go with: Coronation_Design_Sheets

Any applications need to be given to your child’s class teacher during the first week back.

Have a lovely half term

Mr M and team Yr 5.

Mental Health Awareness Week! 5PJ

This week it is children’s mental health awareness week. We will completing a range of activities to help understand mental health further and ways we can support our mental health.

We’ve started with a simple puzzle… a 5PJ puzzle. What makes us uniquely 5PJ? We are all individual but together we make our classroom shine.

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