Year 3 Discovery Centre Trip 24/10

Some reminders about our trip tomorrow (24/10/24)

  • Children are to come to to school in their uniform – they will need to wear different footwear – wellies/boots – suitable for being in the outdoors.
  • Children will also need their coats and maybe hat & gloves (depending on tomorrows weather!)
  • We all need a packed lunch. If your child is eligible for Free School Meals then a meal has been ordered for them.
  • We aim to be leaving NJS promptly by 9/9.10am at the latest and returning 3.15pm/3.30pm – all traffic dependent.
  • NJS staff will be taking any inhalers/medication required from NJS with them for the needs of the specific children.

kindest regards

Mr M and Mr B

Cross Country Tomorrow!

We are looking forward to participating in the Telford Cross Country League tomorrow!


*Only children who have returned consent forms before today will be able to attend.

*Children can come to school in their PE kits.

*Please can children ensure they have layers!  Be prepared for cold and rain!

*Children need a back pack with water bottle, packed lunch and a pencil case (they will be in class at the start and end of the day!)


NJS Today

You will be aware we have had the fire service in attendance at Newport CE Junior School today.

There was a small fire in a light fitting in the office area of school.  There were no children present.  The fire was successfully extinguished before the fire brigade arrived. The fire service complimented the school team on their response.

The fire service completed checks of the school site and children were a short time later able to return classrooms.  We delayed Year 4 returning to classrooms as electricians were working in that area of school to make their checks.

We postponed Year 3 parents meeting due to disruption to the school day.  We couldn’t save the Big Breakfast for lunch but nuggets went down well (this was an error on my previous email…. big breakfast survived)!

As always I am so grateful for the support of the community.  I am proud of the staff and children for their calm response and support.


Mrs M

4PW swimming!

Dear Parents and Carers,

As you know our day didn’t go as planned! Half of the class have been swimming and half have not… therefore we decided as a class the best and fairest thing to do would be;

Those children who are not going to Cross Country tomorrow and did NOT swim today, will have the opportunity to go tomorrow at some point.

Some children with dry swimming kits left their costumes here ready for tomorrow. If your child is not going to Cross Country tomorrow and did NOT go swimming today they are welcome to bring their kit again tomorrow and try again!

Thank you for your continuing support,

Mrs P 🙂

Year 3 Parents Meetings

Year 3 Parents Meetings
Thank you for your understanding today – it is much appreciated! We have been through the NJS diary and have Monday 4th November available to hold your meetings!
Please keep to the same timings as today so they’ll be no changes.
Many thanks for your understanding
Mr M & Mr B

Yr 6 Tuesday – PE KITS NEEDED

Please can we ask all children who are not attending the Cross Country event to have PE Kits in school on Tuesday.

We are planning on taking the children in the hall to do some gymnastics and use of the climbing frame/ropes/ladders etc.

Thank you.