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Henry 5M Hockey

Below is a picture of Henry with his hockey team on Friday evening!

Please remember that if you have any good football/dance/cricket/horse-riding or any hobbies pictures of the children, please send them to me as we will definitely look at them in school and talk about it!


5M Blind Football

5M had a PE lesson today with a twist today. They were introduced to the complexities of Blind Football. It’s fair to say a lot of children found it very difficult and it definitely made them appreciate being able to see what they were doing!


Yr5 Arthog Residential Meeting

Thank you to all the parents who attended the residential meeting afterschool today.

Please find attached the slides from the meeting, a kit list, a behavioural contract and a medical form which were all shared.

Please can I ask that the medical forms and behaviour contracts are back in school by Friday 15th March as they need to be sent off to the centre.

If you have any further questions please email:

Many thanks

Mr M

Arthog Presentation to Parents main


Medical Consent_Form 24

Residential Code of Conduct April 24

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