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Week beginning 18.01.21 online lesson schedule

Miss Sherry is delivering all the online lessons.

6J at 9am
6K at 10am
6S at 11am
Literacy lesson

6J at 9am
6K at 10am
6S at 1pm

6J at 10am
6K at 11am
6S at 1pm

6S at 9am
6J at 10am
6K at 11am

6K at 9am
6S at 10am
6J at 11am

I hope this helps you to organise your time next time.

Bake With Miss J – Muffins!

Bake With Miss J – Week 2! This week I have been making Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins… they went down a treat with Mr Parker and Mrs Jukes! A short video has been made to show each stage…


100g softened butter (I use stork or the supermarket equivalent)

2 medium eggs

225g self-raising flour

3 tablespoons milk

100g chocolate chips

175g unrefined golden caster sugar

1 teaspoon baking powder

2 bananas (mashed)

 Set your oven to 180 degrees, 160 degree (Fan) or gas mark 4.

  1. Place 12 muffin or big cupcake cases into a tray and set aside.
  2. Mix together the butter and sugar until smooth.
  3. Add in 2 eggs and mix briefly.
  4. Add in the self-raising flour, baking powder and mashed bananas. Mix together until smooth.
  5. Add in the milk and chocolate chips and mix for a final time.
  6. Add the mixture into each cupcake case. For this stage I use an ice-cream scoop and fill it twice. You could put two heaped spoons into each case.
  7. Place the tray into the oven and bake for 25 minutes.
  8. After 25 minutes, place a skewer or small knife into the middle of a muffin. If the skewer or knife is clean (no runny mixture), your muffins are ready. If not, bake for 2 more minutes at a time until they are full cooked.
  9. Cool down in the tray for at least 15-20 minutes. Then transfer onto a cooling rack.

If you decide to make these muffins, please do send an e-mail to – I would love to see how they turn out!

Stay tuned for another recipe next Friday!

Miss J x

Home Learning 15.01.21

Nearly a full week done, keep up the good work and hopefully you’ll all have a rest over the weekend!

Literacy – you are taking a the recount and publishing your final draft. Remember to change things from edited work so it’S the best version.
lesson 8 15.01.21

Reading – just sit back and listen. No task with this today.

PSHE is your online lesson and it comes with a weekly challenge. Mrs Kerr will explain during the lesson.
PSHE lesson 1 piece1
PSHE lesson 1 piece2

Order of online lessons are the following:
6K at 9am
6J at 10am
6S at 11am

Coding lesson coding lesson 1 bubbles

Friday’s wellbeing theme is ‘Friendly Friday’

Have a good day and have a great weekend!

Reading / Phonics app FREE until 17th January

Dear Parents,

I would like to inform you of a free offer currently available from The Usborne Foundation, a charity, for their brilliant app, Teach your Monster to Read. This is a phonics-focussed app, which we use in school, to support children who need extra help with reading and blending letter sounds.

It is permanently free on their website, but the app is also currently free too (normally £4.99). There are absolutely no in-app purchases or adverts, so get yourself onto the app store and download it by Sunday 17th January for free! It will continue to be free on the device you download it onto, even after this date.

Please click on the link below for further information. Sign up on the website first, to get a logon for your child, then either continue on your computer, or download the app to a different device and use the same logon you just created.

Sign Up and Play – Teach Your Monster to Read

Kind regards,

Mr Butler

Home Learning 14.01.21

Let’s keep up with the wonderful work you are doing this week Y6.

Literacy is an editing lesson Lesson 7 14.01.21

Maths is problem solving Wk 2 Maths day 4
This is today’s online lesson
6J at 9am
6K at 10am
6S at 11am

Reading is a follow up task based on Mrs Kerr’s reading of the book. You may want to re-watch this before writing the diary.
Lost Diaries lesson 2 activity

Beliefs & Values lesson 2 BV II Betrayal

Today’s wellbeing theme is Thankful Thursday Thankful-Thursday

Keep sending your work to
Have a good day!

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