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Well done Ellis!

Well Done Ellis, whose Sunday football team won the U11 League cup at the weekend. They have been unbeaten all season. We are all proud of you at NJS – well done!

Alton Towers

Dear parents and carers,

Just a polite reminder that there are some overdue payments for the Alton Towers visit in May.   The second instalment was due 15/04/24 and the final instalment is due on 15/05/24. If insufficient funds are received it may be that we have to cancel the visit.

Kind regards,

The year 6 team

London Residential Meeting for Parents

There will be a meeting in the school hall for all parents of children going on the London Residential visit on Wednesday 24th April at 3.30pm in the school hall.

Any parents who are unable to make the meeting please don’t worry,  I will be sharing the information via the website following the meeting.

Thank you,

Mr Rotherham

Yr 6 Homework

Homework is due in by Wednesday 17th April.

  1. Complete the measurement SATs test which has been set on (Children already have their log in information in order to access this)
  2. Complete the SPaG sheet which contains questions from many areas of the SPaG curriculum. Wk 1 spag

We ask that all children, unless prior agreed by the teacher, complete this homework. The maths test gives us information on gaps in learning that we use to help best prepare the children for their upcoming SATs.

Yr 6 Tutoring 9th April

Just a reminder that Maths tutoring for children in Mr Jones’, Miss Bold’s & Mrs Ollerenshaw is taking place tomorrow morning. 

Please ensure you arrive by 8am and make your way straight to the classroom where the teacher will be waiting.


URGENT: Year 6 Breakfast Club!

Year 6 Parents and Carers,

Before Easter we sent out a letter regarding breakfast club for the children during SAT week.  A reminder of this letter can be found below:

breakfast club letter

We have a number of Year 6 children who have not confirmed their attendance and breakfast choice on ParentPay.  Please can we ask that all families complete this by Friday 12th April at the latest.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs M

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