‘We aspire to ensure that our inclusive, welcoming and loving church school gives children and adults the opportunity to reach their full potential, so that through God’s love they can make a difference to the world around them.’
At Newport CE Junior School we believe, just as Jesus said…
” Love one another as I have loved you”. (John 13:34)
This core Christian belief underpins our understanding and approach to young carers at school. At Newport CE Junior School we believe all young people have a right to an education, regardless of their situation at home. When a young person has a caring responsibility they may need extra support to help them get the most out of school.
We define a Young Carer as a young person who has caring responsibilities for a family member with a disability, health condition or substance misuse issue. Young carers may provide physical care, personal care, help with medication or practical tasks, or provide emotional support.
Young Carers Policy 2024
Newport CE Junior School acknowledges that young carers may need extra support to ensure they have equal access to education.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Young Carer lead in the Senior Leadership Team – Mrs Megan Wheat – if you would like any further guidance or support. (megan.wheat@taw.org.uk)
The following organisations may be of use regarding support for Young Carers: