School Updates

Book Week (3rd- 7th March)

Please see letter explaining about our upcoming Book Week events. Our dressing up day remains on World Book Day – Thursday 6th March. We have fun book related events taking place across the whole week. Book Week 2025 ...

NSPCC – PANTS materials shared in assembly today.

Parents / carers, Today we shared the NSPCC materials and advice called PANTS. It is something we choose to do annually at NJS. The PANTS materials introduce the character Pantosaurus and his very catchy song! The children learn the importance of keeping themselves safe and that the contents of their ...
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Each class has it’s own pages to update you on what’s happening. Jump over to the class pages to see photos of the great work that’s going on!Each class in our school has 4 different areas to explore on our website:

  • News: Photos and updates direct from the classroom that allows parents to share in our experiences.
  • Spellings: A copy of the latest spellings to be learned by the children.
  • Homework: A copy of the latest homework tasks for the children.
  • Information: Educational documents and links to online information and resources that maybe useful to parents and children. Class curriculum, class rules, learning schemes etc.

Visit your child’s class page by clicking on the appropriate link below.