REMINDER: Drop off and collection…
Please can we remind parents/carers that when dropping off your child at school they are your responsibility until 8.45am. Children should wait with you on the playground and due to the volume of people should not be running around or playing with balls.
Well done Y3/4 Boys Football Team!
NJS Year 3/4 Boys are T&W area winners of the SSCFA County Cup – heading to the Semi-finals
We are very proud of the team who played superbly well at Newdale this afternoon winning 6-3.
The team showed great sportsmanship and represented NJS brilliantly well. Special thanks and well done to their coach Mr Humphries. Thank you to kit sponsor Henshalls Insurance Brokers.
Year 5 will be able to ‘Make Sense of Pence’!
NJS were approached by Babcock offering to fund ‘Making Sense of Pence’ for our Year 5 classes…. of course we have taken the opportunity and are very grateful to them.
Paul Dorkings will be in school next Friday delivering a ‘Making Sense of Pence’ workshop with each Year 5 class courtesy of Babcock.
More of what they learnt in next weeks newsletter!

No BBS Dance Club 24/3
There will be no BBS Dance club at NJS on Monday 24th March.
This club will be back on, on Monday 31st March.
Mr M
Diary Dates 24th – 28th March

Parents Meetings
Parents Meetings are arranged for next week, you should have received confirmation of your appointment time from your class teacher.
Monday: Year 3
Tuesday: 4L and 4J
Wednesday: 4PW and Year 5
Thursday: Year 6
If you have an appointment in school in the afternoon you may take your child home following your appointment. Please go to the office once you have finished your meeting with your teacher and the office team will organise collection of your child.
Thank you for your support.
Mrs M
Reading Newsletter
Please find attached the latest Reading Newsletter. Thank you to Mrs Jones for her contributions this time.
Thank you,
Mr Rotherham
Reading Newsletter 34
Book Fair – Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th March

Easter Senior Citizens Tea Party

Please do invite Senior Citizens along to our Easter Celebration.
This event will be hosted by Years 3 and 5.
We kindly ask that Years 3 and 5 children consider bringing in a donation to support this event. This could be a cake or a raffle prize.
Menu change…
Next week… Tuesday…. there is no mousse for pudding so the children will be offered ice cream instead.
Parent Code of Conduct
It makes a difference to the success of children in school when parents and teaching staff work together effectively. The relationship of the NJS staff with our families is crucial to the success of children in school.
Please can we ask all of our families take a moment to read our Parent Code of Conduct:
We thank you for your respect and support.
Mrs M
Attendance Award 14th-21st March

Head teacher Awards 14th-21st March

House Points 14th-21st March

Clubs 24th-28th March

Big Wheel 2025 – Walk or Wheel to School!!