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Baking Lesson – Monday 15th June!

Morning everyone!

After the baking lesson last week, I thought we could have another one! So Monday 15th June at 1pm… this time cupcakes (a firm favourite in my family). If you could have your ingredients weighed out before the 1pm, that will be great! 

Below are the ingredients for vanilla cupcakes. When your cupcakes are baking, I will show you some of my tips and tricks for decorating. I have some piping tips that I’ve brought over the years, I use an open star tip or large star tip for most of my cakes along with an icing bag (I usually get mine from home bargains).

You do not need to worry if you don’t have icing bags or any tips… I will show you a great way of using a sandwich bag as a piping bag instead! You can also go for the classic cupcake with normal icing (icing sugar and water) with sprinkles! The possibility is endless. I’ll explain more on Monday!

So Vanilla option: 12 cupcake cases

150g softened butter

150g caster sugar

3 medium eggs

150g self-raising flour

Vanilla extract

2 tablespoons of milk (this may be needed)


150g of unsalted butter at room temperature – this needs to be unsalted and not stork/cake butter

350g icing sugar

2-4 tablespoons of milk (how much you will need will vary)

Vanilla extract

See you on Monday!

Miss Jones x

Baking Pictures!

Hi Everyone!

I wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who took part in my baking lesson on Monday! I’m looking forward to lesson 2 next week… keep your eyes peeled for the new recipe!

I had sooo many pictures sent that I almost crashed the school website… so I’ve popped them onto a PDF instead.

Thumbprint Cookie Pictures PDF

Take care,

Miss Jones x

Home Learning Tasks – Day 43 – Thursday 11th June

Dear Parents,

Please find attached tomorrow’s home learning (Thursday 11th June).

There will not be a Facebook live maths lesson as the tasks are planned to create a whole day project.

Please do share all your wonderful creations with me so I can share with the school website. If you send me a picture, that is you giving consent for me to upload it to the website.

Miss W

Year 3 Day 43 Home School Provision Daily Pack – LIVE

Live Baking Lesson – Monday 8th at 1pm!

Hello Everyone!

I will be doing a live baking lesson on Monday 8th June at 1pm on the school’s Facebook page. Feel free to come and join us!

If you could weigh out the ingredients beforehand, that would be great! You will need a baking tray with some grease-proof paper as well.

You can use a mixer, handheld mixer or mix by hand. When using the oven, I would suggest an adult supports or take over this stage.

I’ve chosen Thumbprint Cookies to start with as they are a quick recipe. Hopefully we can build up to other recipes should you wish for more lessons.


200g softened butter (I use stork or any supermarket’s version)

200g caster sugar

320g plain flour

50g of jam or lemon curd (I have replaced these for chocolate before so the choice is yours)

1 medium egg

Vanilla extract

½ teaspoon of baking powder

½ teaspoon of salt

See you at 1pm Monday! 

Miss Jones x

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