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Mental Health Awareness Week – Faye and Logan

Well done to Faye and Logan for doing some super activities to look after their mental wellbeing. They have enjoyed lots of mental health awareness activities whilst listening to the birds and rain outside. They also did feelings jenga, feelings word searches, emoji throwing and strengths bingo. What great ideas!


Mental health awareness week

This week is the mental health foundation’s mental health awareness week. The theme this year is nature. This activity pack contains lots of activities and suggestions for children and tips for supporting their mental wellbeing by connecting with nature.

There is also lots of information and tips on the website on how you can support your mental wellbeing by connecting with nature:

I would love to see or hear about anything you do this week to connect with nature! Please share them with me via email –

Miss Hardy x

Nature Guide for Pupils

Year 6 swimming

Just a reminder that red and blue house are swimming on Monday at the town pool. Please remember your kits.

All children will be swimming on Tuesday in the school pool. Please remember your kit including at swimming hat.

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