The school admissions policy is operated by the LA on behalf of the school.
Full details together with information about the arrangements for admission, are set out on Telford & Wrekin Council’s School Admissions website:
Telford & Wrekin Admissions Website

Visits from prospective parents are welcome. Please make a mutually convenient appointment with the Head teacher by contacting the School Office: 01952 386600
Admission Number Limit.
Year 3 : 90 Year 4 : 90 Year 5 : 90 Year 6 : 90
Note: Whilst it is helpful if parents let school know, at an early date, if they would like their children to attend, such expressions of interest do not constitute registering a child nor placing a child on a waiting list nor being offered a place. Places can only be confirmed in the academic year before the child is due to start school.