Good school attendance is crucial to pupil wellbeing and outcomes.
What does ‘good’ school attendance look like?

Please find our attendance policy here:
Attendance Policy Jan 25
This is the Newport Cluster Attendance leaflet:
cluster attendance leaflet
Who are the EWO team at NJS?
Newport EWO Newsletter
(The leaflet above also includes essential information about term time holidays.)
Should my child attend school?
Please find below useful information to help you to decide whether your child should attend for school if they are unwell. The full document can be found here: 
If your child is unable to attend for school please telephone 01952 386600 before 9.15am.
Medical Appointments
Where possible we would ask that appointments are made outside of the school day.
We do understand there may be occasions where this isn’t possible and you need to collect your child to attend. Please can we ask that you provide the school with evidence of such appointments. This could be a screenshot of a letter, text reminder etc. It can be emailed in advance to for our records.