School meals are provided by Catering Dept. Telford and Wrekin Council.
Newport Junior School has a kitchen on site where all meals are prepared and cooked daily; we also provide meals for other schools. Our Cook in Charge and her staff present a balanced menu which reflects the seasons. Main course and puddings are available on a daily basis as are a selection of fresh vegetables, salads, fresh fruit and yoghurts. The menus change over on a three weekly cycle. This is the current menu cycle:
Newport Juniors_Primary School Menu summer 2024
Vegetarian, ethnic and special medical diets are catered for. There is a rota so that Year groups take it turn to have first choice.

Payment for meals can be made online or in cash sent into class in the morning. Meals may be paid for daily, weekly, monthly or termly.
Sandwich boxes are stored during the day near the classroom and lunch is eaten in the school hall.

Menu’s, payment details can be found over in our Parents’ Area on our Lunch Menu & Payment page.Lunch Menu & Payment