What is our Intent? What are we trying to achieve with our curriculum?
At Newport C of E Junior School we believe that the curriculum encompasses every experience the children encounter during their time at school.
We have developed an inclusive curriculum that ensures that all pupils have access to each of the National Curriculum subject areas as well as range of other learning opportunities in order to reach their full potential.
We aim to promote an understanding of diversity in a variety of ways through our key values of compassion, courage and community.
Our curriculum is responsive to events around us; it evolves to changing needs, it builds on the children’s Cultural Capital and prepares them to leave us able to make a difference.
Implementation. How do we deliver our curriculum?
Our curriculum is delivered through exciting and engaging learning opportunities for our children. We deliver Maths, English and all curriculum subjects through the National Curriculum.
A love of reading forms the bedrock of our curriculum and is used to develop learning in all areas of the curriculum. A broad and balanced curriculum experience is delivered to our children which engages and meet the needs of children in our school setting.
The curriculum is regularly reviewed and revised to ensure that it engages and challenges all our children.
We believe that children learn best when:-
• they are clear about what it is that they are supposed to learn,
• they are provided with well-planned and stimulating learning opportunities that are matched to their abilities.
• the environment is secure, stable and stimulating
• their self-esteem is high
• they understand the purpose of the learning and see relevance to their own experience
• they understand the ways in which learning takes place and given opportunities to reflect on this
• the learning builds on prior knowledge and understanding
• success criteria are explicit and models are provided
• the learning is active and collaborative
• student questioning, reflection, and discussion are encouraged
• independent learning and thinking is facilitated and encouraged
• there are opportunities for creativity, utilising different learning styles
• they can self-assess, know what they need to do to improve and are able to set appropriate targets
• they have opportunities to transfer skills, knowledge and understanding to other contexts
• they are challenged effectively to extend their own learning
We believe children learn best through a curriculum which is inspirational, engages the children and reflects our stated aim:-
“Every child should leave our school with the confidence, ability and desire to make the world a better place”.
What is the Impact of our curriculum? What difference is our curriculum making to our pupils?
School leaders and teachers regularly measure the impact of our curriculum through the monitoring of teaching and learning, assessment and on-going self review.
School leaders and teachers talk about the impact of our curriculum and feed this into our school development cycle.
We talk to children, we undertake learning walks, we look at books and we review the curriculum as subject leaders. Parents talk to us about the exciting opportunities we provide for our children through our curriculum.

For any further information about our curriculum please email h3082@telford.gov.uk