A huge thank you to the staff; they volunteer their time to offer this provision and at no cost to our families. Our staff are amazing and I am really grateful to them for the wonderful range of activities children can engage with.
Please remember:
* You need to check the website/newsletter each Friday to check if any clubs are cancelled the following week.
* We will not cancel a club on the day: if for some reason a planned club cannot take place on the day we will cover this or enable the children to attend an alternative club.
*If children decide they no longer wish to attend a club please can you ensure they inform Mrs Stanley (njsadmin@taw.org.uk) so the place can be offered to another pupil.
* All after school clubs (except drama) finish at 4pm. Please wait by the double green gates onto the main playground and your children will be brought here at 4pm. Please collect promptly.