Reading at Newport Junior School
Here is a guide to reading at Newport Junior School. It explains how we teach reading and how we encourage children to love reading the books they choose at school.
We ask that children read at home with you at least 3 times a week. Please record this in their Reading Diary.
The Guide has suggestions for comments you might record in the Reading Diary. Staff will check the Reading Diary weekly to encourage the children in their reading and celebrate their hard work.
Children should always have a reading book to bring home. If they don’t share this with you, please check their bag and then contact the class teacher as all children should have 2 reading books at all times. (One chosen with help from the teacher and one which is their choice, usually from the library).
Thank you,
Mr Rotherham
Newport Junior School Guide to Reading for Parents 2024
Jeans for Genes Day – Friday 20th September
The Jeans for Genes campaign raises awareness of the daily challenges faced by those living with a genetic condition and raises money to fund projects that make a tangible difference to the lives of those affected.
NJS annually shows it’s value of Compassion for this cause. Children are invited to attend school in bottoms that are ideally denim (any colour denim!) but don’t worry if you don’t have anything… perhaps something blue? Children can bring a donation for the cause, we suggest £1 but whatever you can afford is more than fine.
Packed Lunches
We just wanted to make families aware that when children have packed lunches lunchtime supervisors will ask the children to bring their rubbish home. This is mainly so you as parents/carers can see exactly what your child has and has not eaten from what you have packed.
You can find lots of useful advice online about healthy packed lunches. This NHS site is especially useful:
Do you shop at Asda?!
We have signed up for the Asda ‘Cashpot for Schools’ initiative.
Between September 2nd and November 30th 2024 everytime you shop with Asda using the Asda Rewards App they will donate 0.5% of the value to our school plus £1 everytime someone opts in and a £50 starter donation.
1. Download the Asda Rewards app, register and opt-in to Cashpot for Schools (make sure you have the latest version of the app installed)
2. Choose our Primary School – either searching by name or postcode
3. Shop instore across Asda and George, or online at and start filling your Cashpot as you shop
ROCKSTEADY – Would you like to join?
We LOVE rocksteady at NJS and have witnessed some brilliant concerts over the years. If your child is interested in playing an instrument within a band then have a look at their website below…
NJS Values in Action…
Remember… if your children have examples of ‘Values in Action’ please do email them to
ParentPay UPDATE
Year 3 and new parents/carers
Again we apologise for the delay, we had hoped to have ParentPay activation letters with you now however we are now looking like mid next week before the accounts will be ready. Trust us we are chasing!
Please be reassured that clubs and residentials will not go onto ParentPay until 24hrs+ after you have received your activation letter and had the opportunity to set up your account. We will of course email to let you know when activation letters are out and when clubs/residentials will go live.
We are mindful dinner arrears may be building for some of you: we apologise for this. Please be assured this will not stop your child having a meal in the meantime.
Year 4, 5 and 6 Parents
Your ParentPay will not have updated to your child’s new class yet. Please support us whilst we wait for ParentPay to do their background work.
We appreciate your support.
Mrs M
House Points 4th-12th September
Autumn Term Clubs!
Whilst we are waiting for ParentPay to be activated we thought we would share the clubs menu for this term.
Clubs will commence on the 23rd September (subject to ParentPay!) and run until the 22nd November (when the nights are dark, weather cold and Christmas activities kick in!).
Clubs at NJS are FREE and run by our own amazing team of staff. They volunteer their time to pursue an interest with the children and I am very grateful for this. In return we ask:
*Parents/carers are punctual to collect children from after school clubs at 4pm from the main green gates onto the main playground.
*If parents/carers sign children up to a club they are expected to attend: two occasions of non attendance we will contact you to discuss removing your child from the register to enable another child to attend.
*We ask that the children sign up to a maximum of two clubs that have limited numbers (you could sign up to choir and drama in addition) so that everyone has chance to join. If we find you have signed up to three we will sadly have to remove you from the registers.
*Clubs will NEVER be cancelled on the day: if a staff member is unwell or the weather makes the activity difficult to complete we will arrange an alternative in school so we don’t disrupt your collection arrangements.
*IMPORTANT: clubs may be cancelled with a weeks notice, we avoid this but sometimes it isn’t possible. Please ensure you check the weekly newsletter that your child’s club will be on the following week.
We will of course notify you when clubs will go onto ParentPay.
Thank you all for your support, we are looking forward to a great term of clubs!
Mrs M
Diary Dates 16-20th September
Attendance Award 4th-12th September