Little Princess Trust Fundraising
Just a quick email to let you know that Elizabeth in Year 5 has decided to fundraise for Little Princess Trust, and would really appreciate your support.
Donating through JustGiving is simple, fast and totally secure. Once you donate, they’ll send your money directly to Little Princess Trust, so it’s the most efficient way to give – saving time and cutting costs for the charity.
You can donate to Elizabeth’s JustGiving page by clicking here
JustGiving sends your donation straight to Little Princess Trust and automatically reclaims Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer, so your donation is worth even more.
Thank you for your support!
Parents Meetings: Next Week…
Parents meetings are taking place next week:
Monday: Year 3
Tuesday: 4L and 4J
Wednesday: Year 5 and 4PW
Thursday: Year 6
As detailed in the letter circulated a couple of weeks ago we have offered Teams meetings/phone calls in the mornings and face to face in the afternoons.
Please understand that appointments are allocated for 10 minutes.
Face to face meetings will be held in the school hall: please come to the security gate and make your way around to the hall to meet your class teacher.
If you wish to take your child home following your appointment please make your way to the office after your appointment and your child will meet you there (we do ask that siblings remain in school until the end of the day).
PLEASE NOTE: On Tuesday if your child is in 4L or 4J and attending the cross country competition that day please understand we expect them back at school around 2pm but if they aren’t back then you will need to return at 3.15pm to collect them.
Thank you for your support.
The Hub

Year 3 Lunch and Learn: Tuesday 5th November
Year 3 Lunch and Learn letter
Please find attached a letter with details about Year 3 Lunch and Learn on the 5th November.
The menu on this date is pizza followed by chocolate sponge and custard.
We do need numbers by the end of Monday 21st October so if you wish to attend please do confirm this on ParentPay.
Thank you for your support.
Mrs M
Mental Health Top Tips from The NJS Guardians of Safety
Finlay: IMG_3988
Saul and Jeffrey: IMG_3991
Lillie and Floss: IMG_3993
Phoebe: IMG_3994
Jack: IMG_3995
The Halo Code – Black History Week
NJS has signed up to the Halo Code.
We are sharing this as a focus during our Black History Week in school. It will be shared will all who are part of our school family. The Halo Code is a pledge, signed by schools and businesses, that promises members of the Black community that they have the freedom and security to wear all afro-hairstyles without restriction or judgment. At NJS we are we have adopted the Halo Code, which states:
“Our school champions the right of staff and students to embrace all Afro-hairstyles. We acknowledge that Afro-textured hair is an important part of our Black staff and students’ racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious identities, and requires specific styling for hair health and maintenance.
We welcome Afro-textured hair worn in all styles including, but not limited to, afros, locs, twists, braids, cornrows, fades, hair straightened through the application of heat or chemicals, weaves, wigs, headscarves, and wraps.
At this school, we recognise and celebrate our staff and pupils’ identities. We are a community built on an ethos of equality and respect where hair texture and style have no bearing on anyone’s ability to succeed.

Cross Country: Tuesday 22nd October at Chetwynd Deer Park
If your child returned their consent form to school by the 16th October they are on our register for the cross country event at Chetwynd Deer Park on Tuesday.
Please send your child into school on Tuesday ready for this event: they need to be wearing PE kit and trainers. The children need to bring packed lunch and a water bottle in a small backpack they can carry there and back. Please ensure the children have layers and a waterproof coat with them so they are prepared for all weathers!
We are leaving school around 10am and all year groups will be back before the end of the school day.
Good luck to all of our runners!
Term Date Reminder!
Just a reminder that we finish for school on Friday 25th October and return on Monday 4th November.
IMPORTANT: Beech’s Base
We are finding that when children are going to Beech’s Base either for club or during the school day some aren’t coming with appropriate clothing.
When children go to Beech’s Base they must have long trousers and long sleeves. Layers are sensible as the children can adjust according to the weather.
Children will need waterproof coats as a must and waterproof trousers are ideal.
Children must wear wellies. Please also send them with a change of shoes for indoor use.
We appreciate your support with this so we can enable them to make the most of this amazing facility.
Values in Action

How do I know what my child is learning?
If you would like to explore our curriculum and the details of what will be taught when please do explore our Curriculum pages. Here you will find details for all subjects and year groups:
Churches Together: Light Party

Missing Hat….
A Year 5 pupil has lost a Wolves hat, the initials DR are on the label. If this is found please can it be brought to the school office.

Please name belongings…
Please can we ask that children’s belongings and uniform items are named. We will be able to swiftly return lost items that are named.
We thank you for your support.
Attendance Award 11th-17th October

House Points 11th-17th October

Head teacher Awards 11th-17th October

Clubs 21st – 25th October

Year 6 Secondary Applications: 31st October Deadline
Parents and carers of Year 6 children: please note that Secondary School applications must be made by the 31st October.
Please follow the link above to make your application.
Open Afternoon for Prospective Families…
If you have friends and family looking for a Key Stage 2 place please make them aware they are welcomed to attend our Open Afternoon:

Diary Dates 21st – 25th October

Friday 25th October – PTA Mufti, Movie and Snacks
Friday 25th October children are asked to make a donation of £2 towards PTA funds.
Please give £2 to the teacher in the morning.
Children can wear mufti on that day.
During the afternoon, children watch a movie in their classroom and be given a snack to eat.
If children wish to bring in a teddy, or a comfy cushion etc to make the movie afternoon more enjoyable then they may do so. Please bring those things in a bag to be kept in the classroom till the afternoon.
Thank you,