Published on: 16th December, 2024

Autumn Newsletter 16 (20.12.24)


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Fabulous Funds Raised by our PTA! Autumn Term

January Creativity Challenge!

School have signed up to the 64 Million Artists January Challenge. (Miss Branton is the link for this challenge if you are keen to have a go!)

This initiative aims to inspire and encourage all kinds of creativity through quick mini challenges.

There is a daily challenge issued through the website link below.

If you are interested then please follow the link and read more.

The January Challenge 2025 – 64 Million Artists


Polar Express

We are very proud of Laney in Year 5 who has been appearing on Telford’s Polar Express this season!  What an achievement!  Well done Laney from all at NJS.

NJS SIAMS Inspection Outcome….

Parents and Carers,

I am delighted to share with you the outcome of our recent SIAMS Inspection (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools). This was a robust inspection that included a learning walk of our school, paperwork analysis, pupil book looks, meetings with staff, children, parents and Governors.

I am very proud that we achieved a Judgment 1: the highest outcome for a Church of England School.  As always I am so very proud of NJS and its community.

The inspector was very complimentary about our school family, how stakeholders go above beyond and how we develop ‘good people’.  The report attached below reflects the positive findings during this inspection.

I would like to thank everyone for their ongoing support for our school and the difference you all make; staff, parents/carers, Governors and of course our wonderful children.

Best wishes

Mrs Moody


SIAMS Report Newport CE Junior School 123489 021224 – Final (002)

NJS Window Winners!

Huge well done to the staff and children at NJS Art Club: Newport Window Competition Chamber of Commerce Winners!!  Thank you to Henshalls Insurance for allowing us to display our art in their window, super community teamwork.

NJS Christmas Dinner

Thank you to our catering team for a wonderful week of Christmas lunches. Everyone has thoroughly enjoyed their food: a special opportunity for staff, children and Governors to have a festive meal together.

Libby: Telford and Wrekin Winner!

Cllr Shirley Reynolds came to NJS this week to present the winner of the Telford and Wrekin Let’s Dine Competition with her prize.  Congratulations to Libby who won a tablet for herself and a truck full of gardening and cookery equipment for NJS.  Well done Libby!

Dinner Arrears….

Please could we ask that families clear any dinner arrears on ParentPay.

Where possible please do try to keep accounts in credit.

Thank you for your support.

NEW!! BBS Dance Club!

We are very excited that Burton Borough School will be offering a Dance Club at NJS!

From Mondays, starting on the 20th January 3.15pm-4pm, Years 5 and 6 children are invited to sign up to Dance Club which will be led by Miss Lyttle (Burton Borough PE Teacher) in our NJS school hall.

This club is now open on ParentPay for families to sign their children up to.

Mrs M

News, Burton Borough School seek independent Governors, Published on 11  October 2021 by Karen Woodcock, Newport Shropshire

Spring Term 2025 – Dates List

Spring 1st Half Term Swimming….

Year 3: Monday

Year 4: Thursday

Commencing week beginning 13th January.

Please remember: swimming costume/trunks, towel, swimming cap and goggles.

Free Swimming Clip Art

Thank you Steph

On Tuesday we held a special assembly to say thank you Steph.  She has taught swimming at NJS for over 12 years and will be leaving us on Friday.

We are extremely grateful to Steph for all she has done for school over so many years and the difference she has made to our children and their swimming skills.  Steph has been a wonderful colleague and we will miss her.

One of the photos from our assembly:

We are pleased that we have appointed Mrs Nicholls to teach swimming at NJS, she will be starting with us in the new year.

Telford and Wrekin Music Service…. drumming place!

Telford and Wrekin music service offer small group drumming lessons at NJS.

They have one pupil ready to start a new group but need at least another one!

If your child is interested in learning to drum please contact Telford and Wrekin Music service:

Provisional Spring Term Beech’s Base Dates!

On your date children should attend in old clothing: they must wear long sleeves and long trousers.  We ask they bring wellies, a waterproof coat and ideally waterproof trousers.

Wednesday 22nd January 6B

Friday 24th January 6J

Wednesday 29th January 6M

Friday 31st January 5K

Wednesday 5th February 4J

Friday 7th February 5P

Tuesday 11th February 4PW

Friday 14th February 4L

Wednesday 26th February 5OP

Friday 28th February 3M

Wednesday 5th March 3B

Friday 7th March 6B

Wednesday 12th March 6J

Friday 14th March 6M

Wednesday 19th March 5K

Friday 21st March 5P

Wednesday 26th March 5OP

Friday 28th March 4J

Tuesday 1st April 4PW

Friday 4th April 4L

Wednesday 9th April 3B

Friday 11th April 3M

NJS are Makaton Aware!

We are very proud to share that NJS has been recognised as part of the Makaton community. We strive to create an inclusive environment for all, with commitment to understanding and embracing diverse communication needs. Thank you to our school governor Sarah Case for her help and support with this.

Phoebe’s Cricket Success

Huge congratulations to Phoebe in 6J who has been selected to play for the Under 11’s Shropshire County Cricket squad! One of 15 selected from over 70 girls! We are very proud of your achievement, Phoebe.

Year 5 Space dome – reminder!

Just a reminder about the Space Dome experience…

Please sign your child up on parent pay.

Y5-Dome-Letter 2025

Merry Christmas from Mrs M

Parents and Carers,

As we reach the end of the Autumn Term and the end of 2024 I wanted to write to you all to thank you for your ongoing support for our school family.  As always I am so very proud to be a school leader at NJS: I think the video below captures perfectly why.

We started 2024 with the release of our OFSTED inspection report and we end 2024 with the release of our SIAMS inspection report.  I definitely challenge you to find someone as thoroughly inspected as ourselves in 2024!!  We are very proud of what we do at NJS for our wonderful children and the outcomes of both of these reports have validated this.  Our superb children are the reason we do what we do; thank you to them all.

Of course my thanks must also go to the staff team.  They are exceptional; routinely going above and beyond for our children.  Our school staff work hard with immense commitment and I am very grateful to them all.

I wish everyone in the NJS family a very Merry Christmas: I hope you have a wonderful break with quality time with friends and family.

See you in 2025!

Mrs M