***DIARY DATES 2024-25***

Happy Summer Holidays!

Wow! I cannot believe another academic year has passed! What a year it has been…. School of Sanctuary Award, OFSTED inspection, whole school pantomime visit, wax work museum, book day, Australia Day, four residentials, sports days, NJS Fest and the list goes on….! What memories we have made!
I am a little biased but I would argue the NJS staff team are exceptional, I am very proud to be a part of that incredible team. The team routinely go over and above to make things happen and to put children first, they are very special people. I would like to thank them all and hope that they have a wonderful Summer memory making with their own family and friends.
Thank you to our parents and carers for their ongoing support for NJS: when we work together, putting our children first, we achieve the very best for them. We are so grateful for supportive relationships, thank you for the difference you make to us. We hope that you enjoy quality time with your children over the Summer.
Your children are outstanding, they make the hard work worthwhile. Thank you to them all for being them, we adore working with your children, it is a privilege. We hope they have lots of fun over the Summer holiday, we are already looking forward to hearing about their adventures.
Have a safe and happy Summer all, I’m off to the seaside so fingers crossed for some sunshine!
Take care
Mrs M x

Good luck Year 6….
I hope that Year 6 children have enjoyed their leavers day today.
We enjoyed an emotional but celebratory service in church this morning, leavers lunch, leavers books, shirt signing and a party at the end of the day!
It has been a pleasure to see their development from starting with us in September 2020 in a pandemic to now. As I said this morning we are incredibly proud of each and every one of them and their success during their time at Junior School. They are rounded children who have broad interests and have made great academic progress: they will be very successful in the future. We hope that NJS has created memories for life.
We hope they have a wonderful Summer and send them all our best wishes for September. We will miss you all but we hope they continue to be kind, confident children who continue to make a difference.

Meet the class meetings….
In September we are inviting parents/carers into school for a very short meeting with class teachers to find out some hopefully useful information ahead of the new academic year.
These meetings will be held at 3.30pm and 4pm on Monday 9th September in your child’s classroom.
Both meetings are the same so you can choose which time suits you best and if you have siblings in different year groups we hope you can attend for both.
Don’t worry if you can’t attend… all information will also be sent out on our newsletter so you won’t miss out.
Mrs M
Good to know for September…
Just a few useful things ahead of September!
We return to school on Wednesday 4th September 2024! Term dates can always be found here on our website: https://newportjuniorschool.org.uk/home/joining/term-dates/
The school day starts at 8.45am (children have between 8.45 and 8.55 to arrive into classrooms). The school day ends at 3.15pm (children have between 3.15 and 3.25 to be collected).
Years 3 and 4: drop off and collection on the main playground.
Year 5: drop off and collection up the driveway opposite the dentist.
Year 6: drop off and collection through the front security gate.
We expect children in Years 3 and 4 will be collected by an adult. Children in Years 5 and 6 require permission from parents to be able to walk home: this can be made on Home School agreement packs.
If you would like to know more details about what your child will be learning and when please look on our curriculum page: https://newportjuniorschool.org.uk/home/learning/curriculum/
We ask that children bring a pencil case to school containing a supply of pencil crayons, rubber, pencil, blue biro, ruler, rubber and glue stick.
Please remember to send your child to school each day with a filled water bottle.
Please send PE kit into school on a Monday, it will be brought home on a Friday! Please remember your child can wear a plain white t shirt or a plain t shirt in their house team colour.
First half of the Autumn Term Year 4 will be swimming on Monday’s and Year 3 on Tuesdays. Please send swimming costume/trunks, towel, swimming cap and goggles.
Please do check against our uniform policy: Uniform-Policy
Children can order a hot meal each morning if they require one. The menu can be found here: Newport Juniors_Primary School Menu summer 2024 If your child requires a ‘Grab and Go’ (sandwich) option then orders must be placed by a Thursday of the previous week (forms will be issued on our return to school). School meals are paid for via ParentPay: if you are new to NJS you will receive a log in for ParentPay when your child starts in September.
Clubs will start the week beginning 23rd September. On our return in September we will issue a ‘menu’ of clubs for the term and you can sign up via ParentPay.
We ask that parents and carers do not park on Avenue Road: please support us in keeping this safe for families. Please walk/scoot or cycle to school where possible. If this is not possible please park at Specsavers, Shuker Field, B&M, Waitrose etc. and walk from there.
If your child is unwell please contact the school office on 01952 386600 or njs.admin@taw.org.uk before 9am. Details on attendance can be found here: https://newportjuniorschool.org.uk/home/joining/attendance/
Teachers will be available in mornings and after school if you ever need to catch them. In September, if they haven’t already, they will share email addresses with you. You could also telephone the school office and teachers will call you back when they are able. In September children will be issued with Home Link books and you can also record messages for teachers in here (just make sure you remind your child to show the message!).
We have lots planned! We hope it helps families to know of dates in advance:24-25 dates
Please remember to sign up for the school newsletter to ensure you receive all updates ahead of September, details of how to do so can be found here: newsletter subscribe
Hopefully these are useful reminders for September! We are looking forward to the new academic year!
Mrs M x
Mrs M’s Summer Holiday Challenge!

Educating Kids Outdoors!

Athletics Festival

Water Safety Event

Reading Newsletter – Summer Holiday Edition
Here is the final Reading Newsletter for this school year for you to enjoy.
It includes a summer reading challenge to keep you reading over the holiday.
A big thank you to Miss Lockwood for supplying her reading likes this time.
Happy Summer Reading Everyone!!
Mr Rotherham
Newsletter 30
Newport Rotary
Each year the Rotary organise a writing competition for our Year 6 children who are challenged with producing a newspaper front cover! We were delighted to welcome them to assembly today to present prizes to our winning writers.

Water Safety…
Please ensure your children are familiar with how to keep safe using the advice below:

NJS at Newport Show!
As always NJS was delighted to have been included within the Education Tent at Newport Show this year. We had art work on display and photographs taken by the Year 6 children during their recent visit to the Deer Park for a photography workshop.
We also entered the annual Newport School potato growing competition! There’s room for improvement but we definitely did better than last year!
Thank you to Mr Moody for coordinating our work for Newport Show, to the Year 6 children for their super photography and Art Club for their art work.
Photographed below are two of the winners of the Year 6 photography competition: Holly and Luke. Abigail was also a winner. Well done to them all.

Big Birthday Celebrations in School…
This week we celebrated somebody’s big birthday! This special someone wanted to stay anonymous and thought she had got away with it, that was until a famous Mr R assembly!! Happy Birthday!!

Aqualate Mere