Half Term Holiday Club

Wellbeing Charter Mark

Dear Parents/Carers,
Your child’s school is working on a project with us at Telford & Wrekin Educational Psychology Service, promoting emotional wellbeing through the Sandwell Charter Mark process. The Sandwell Wellbeing Charter Mark was originally developed in Sandwell in 2015 and explores social, emotional, and mental health through a whole-school approach which aims to recognise a school’s commitment towards improving the social, emotional, and mental health of its staff and families.
Collecting the authentic voice of the whole school community is important to this project and we invite you to share your views via an anonymous online survey. Please use the below link to access the survey, which should take around 15-20 minutes to complete.
Once we have collected the views of pupils, parents/carers and staff, they will be analysed, written into a report and fed back to the school where we will work collaboratively to address any areas for development. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Kind Regards,
Lara Amos-Earle
Assistant Educational Psychologist
Swimming Success for Evelyn
Huge well done to Evelyn from Year 4. At her Swimming Club presentation evening she was presented with a Gold Medal in 50m, 100m and 200m freestyle and 50m backstroke.
This is an amazing achievement, everyone at NJS is very proud of you Evelyn.

Careers Fair: Can you help?

Yr 5 Arthog Parents Meeting Information
Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend the Arthog meeting after school tonight, where I was able to share details of our upcoming residential.
For anyone who was unable to attend and for reference below are the slides I shared at the meeting.
Also below is the medical consent form and behavioural contract, which both need returning to school by Friday 31st January at the latest, as well as the all important kit list – paper copies can now be obtained from the school office.
If anyone has any further questions then please get in touch.
Kindest regards,
Mr M
Kit list: Kit_List
Medical form: Medical Consent_Form
Behavioural Contract: Residential Code of Conduct 25
Shared parent slides: Arthog Presentation to Parents main
Please can I remind parents and carers that we cannot permit parking on school site.
Please use local car parks when dropping off and collecting from school.
Thank you for your support to keep our site safe.
Please can we remind families that in order for your child to have the Grab and Go Option from the school kitchen this MUST be pre ordered by a Thursday the week before.
This can be done by returning the form below to school or emailing njs.admin@taw.org.uk The kitchen apologise but Grab and Go orders can not be made on the day.

Attendance Award 17th-24th Jan

Head teacher Awards 20th – 24th January ‘25

House Points 20th-24th January

Diary Dates Mon 27th – Fri 31st January

Pet Day!
What a wonderful time the children have had today. There have been lots of waggy tails and wet noses. It’s been a purrrfect day all round!
A huge thank you those parents who were able to bring in pets to share. Sorry we could get everyone to be able to do so but that just wouldn’t have been possible. Hopefully, all children have had the chance to talk about their pet and learn about how we care for our furry friends (feathered and scaly too). Please look at you child’s year group page on the website to see some wonderful pictures!
Reverend Merry led worship this morning with the theme of pets.
A huge thank you to Jelly Exotic Pets, who have been in school today. All children have had the chance to visit their workshop and learn about caring for exotic pets. If you wish to learn more about them, here is the link to their site.